!! It's been a while! Hope this thing's still working
Hi hi everyone! It's been... quite a while since my last update on tapas specifically. I've been posting updates on Twitter for the most part but then... Yeah. So let me catch you all up to speed. First off--
NOT DEAD!! I've just been VERY busy as of late! I work a full time job so progress on the comic has been slow for a looooong while. But last year I made a major breakthrough! This image was posted to my Twitter account last year (around this time) to give everybody an idea of Chapter 2's script progress. Happy to say that since I posted this image, Parts 1 AND 2 are Good as Gold with the final part pending very very minute consistency checking! What does this mean? Wellll~
With the majority of events figured out, that just leaves all the drawing. Back in October I began drafting the new pages in full. Of course those will take time to complete, as I do draw for my job during the day. However, back when I began this comic, coming up with dialogue was the hard part. With that taken care of, I can confidently say that-
Obscured Descent WILL begin updating again in 2025!
With a definite "WILL" this time! I'll return with a date once I'm certain of when I can begin again. The update schedule will still be weekly (unless I have a surplus of pages in my backlog but we'll see how that goes). As I'm prepping newer pages, I'll also be looking into what other site could be a potential mirror (or possibly a main) outside of tapas. If you have any good recommendations, let me know!
Okay that's pretty much all for now! If you wanna keep up with what I'm doing more often, follow me on bluesky @fezanoctis!
It's July! This year's moving by very quickly. It's also been a while since my last update... Sorry about that. I'll keep this brief.
Obscured Descent is not dead!!! I'll put that out there first as I've seen a couple people pick it up as of late but there haven't been any updates since early 2022. I've also unintentionally skipped Obscured Descent's anniversary this year.... whoops.
Most of my time is dedicated to important work stuff at the moment so working on Obscured Descent in full must take a backseat in the meantime. The script also got a bit of a rewrite recently! Mostly adjusting for flow, make some later world events clearer, things like that. But, for the most part, the early parts of Chapter 2 are locked in! yaye
I don't have too much to show this time around but here, have this! It's been a long time coming. The old logo was very... VERY VERY old.... I'll be using this in the updated graphics once I get around to finishing them.
It's almost been a whole year since Chapter 1 finished. Ain't that something. 2022 Was a super busy year for me as I was taking on a bunch of freelance work and learning a ton of new skills. Although I didn't quite get around to completing the newer graphics, I do anticipate having them ready this year. Hopefully with something special to go along with it.
The script for Chapter 2 is nearly complete with the first section almost being locked in. Just a few things to settle there and then it'll be time to start sketching!
For now, here's the next chapter title and someone you don't know (unless you follow me on twitter or something).
(I'm so sorry. I forgot to upload this image here too... oh dear. Sorry!)
6 years ago today, I started my webcomic Obscured Descent! Its been a bumpy ride to get to where we are now but I'm still glad that I started it when I did!
Can't wait to share the entire story one day! There's so many secrets I wanna share. Thank you all for reading my lil ol passion project!
Hey all! Its been about a month since Chapter 1 of Obscured Descent wrapped up! Thanks again to everyone who's kept up with my story and to all the new people joining the adventure. I really appreciate it! I wanted to give a bit of an update on what's coming this year.
Obscured Descent will be on hiatus until most of the work for Chapter 2 is complete. I'm aiming to start updating again some time late 2023 hopefully but that release window's not set in stone yet. In the meantime there's gonna be a couple art related updates such as a new banner, cover, and logo (that I cant wait to show!) to make everything look a lil fresher.
All in all, 2022 will be a year of tons and tons of prep work.
Its finally time. After being delayed for so long, the remaining 17 pages needed to complete the chapter are rendered and ready for lettering! This part won't take long so I can confidently announce that...
Obscured Descent will officially come off of hiatus on September 25th!!
Updates will be rolling out weekly from then on until they're all out! Thank you all so much for being patient with me and thank you for your continued support! Especially after such a rocky year that was 2020 and rolling into 2021. Page 79 (the last) has the potential of being streamed as it's the last remaining bit of this chapter but this may change as time goes on.
(Theres more to this update regarding a tier for reading ahead on patreon and what's next for it but tapas seems to have a character limit. If you'd like to read more, go here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/chapter-1s-end-55722324 )
After a year of highs and lows, Obscured Descent's final pages are nearly complete! 18 pages to round out the end of the first chapter! Here's a wip preview panel from one of them. If all goes well, Obscured Descent will return late 2021
Hello everyone! Its been a while since I posted here. A little over half a year to be exact. Here's what's been happening since the last post:
A couple life roadblocks (especially during this pandemic) have set me back a little further than expected. An unexpected dip in my health is the main culprit. Ive been doing better since then but its definitely caused me to rethink my completion schedule for Obscured Descent. I was aiming to begin updating again in August, then it had to be pushed to December, and now it seems like itll be back in January 2021. I cant say this with 100% certainty but thats what im aiming for right now. Kinda off but it happens! I want to make sure the bulk of the pages are ready for weekly updates so that nothing gets backed up again. Currently, pages 62-70 are outlined and ready for colors. The remaining pages afterwards (im anticipating at least 8 or less) are being sketched out. As a little thanks for sticking around, here's a sneak peek of one of the panels from the newer pages.
(Bit of a disagreement happening there)
Anyways, I hope youve all been doing well! And to my newer readers, thanks for checking out my comic! I hope youve been enjoying it!