Hi Folks,
In a few weeks, i'll be launching a crowdfunding project for the second book of Tales of the Lost Souls.
I feel like most of my readers are French speakers, and as last time a tremendous total of one (1) person actually backed the project for an Englisg copy, I though I might as well ask: would some of you amongst the non French-speakers be interested in a copy in English?
NB: It will be a THICK 175-page baby to match the 140-page book 1. The price would be about 20$ per copy + shipping, so about 35-40$ in total for book 2, and 55-60$ for both books depending on where you live.
ps @Bross if ever you'd like a copy of book 2, don't worry tho, I'm really ready to print one just for you (but no pressure at all either way - just let me know)
Hi Guys !
Thank you and welcome to the new readers, I don't know how you keep finding the comic since have posted pretty much nothing for weeks :'D
ON THAT TOPIC! I am working like a madwoman on the 23 last pages of the chapter. I can promise you one page or two for this week, followed by about 4 months of unstopable weekly updates.
In the meantime, thanks to you all for your patience... the wait is all but over! \o/
Wheeeeeeeeeeeh Tales of the Lost Souls’s first financing target has been reached! Thanks to all of you! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THAT!
I am really happy and exited, all the more that it does not end here! We are only 18€ away from reaching the first stretch goal and showering everyone who has bought a book with nice magnets. How cool is that?
I hope the European platform Ulule is not deterring non-Frenchies from having a look at the project. The website is supposed to present you with the English version of the page automatically when your browsing session is not opened from France, but if you keep arriving on the French page you can manually change the language once and for all on the upper righ-hand side of the page. (hit “Anglais”) you can also manage your currency from there.
a looooot of work, yes! ;____; Yep, I am printing both versions! But for the moment the English version has only one "real" backer haha :'D The other non-French-natives that have pledged are my collegues, who speak perfectly well French but I will give them English versions anyway to feel better about printing them :')
I am launching a crowdfunding for the first book of Tales of the Lost Souls at last!
It will cover all the story till the end of chapter 6, so depending on the time it will make to ship, you might have a few never published pages by the time you receive it! Plus of course extra excluvie illustrations and all sorts of cool goodies.
Feel free to check it out if you think you might be interested! And in case you can't afford it there is no problem, really! Tales of the Lost Souls is and will stay a free webcomic.
Je soutiens sans soucis, mais je vais devoir attendre un peu (j'ai un faible pour la contrepartie avec l'aquarelle mais je ne suis pas encore sûre d'avoir les moyens). Si on est sur Paris, on peut choisir la remise en mains propres ?
Sereoren> absolument ! Comme les frais de port français sont compris dans le prix des contrepartie, pour toute remise en mains propre tu auras des cadeaux supplémentaires pour compenser (des surprises !), mais malheureusement ça ne fera pas baisser le prix... Merci beaucoup pour cet intérêt ! Si tu as envie de soutenir il n'y a pas de pression et encore un délai confortable :D
Hello there- this message is probably not going to be very original, but I wanted to say I've got a complete crush on your comic. I love the watercolor work, I love the mysterious yes familiar- feeling characters, I love to discover a world by subtle touches. Looking forward to seeing more of it. :)
Hi Saerel, thank you so much for your message, I is really heart-warming!! I am very glad you like the story and the art, that really means a lot. Knowing that people are eager to know more about the plot and the characters and are enjoying reading the pages is such a great source of motivation to continue to draw and tell that story!
Thanks again *3*
I did! *_____* I... I feel much more comfortable with that medium! I'm crying over full-color digital comics, I could never do that, it must take you AGES !
Yep, but I make a lot of changes when I'm painting (really, sometimes I change the complete color scheme at the middle of the process) . Watercolors freak me out because you must be so precise and clean! and I am so messy :/