HORNS is going to Radish so it'll soon be removed. So if you're in the middle of reading it, finish up fast!
Besides that I'm writing a tonne so there'll be lots to read - most of which will be probably be available through Radish as early access and then go up here for free later. Still figuring out everything.
Hi everyone! As Inksgiving (starts in November) is drawing near, I'm gonna pledge all tips to Sabaah - A Union for minority ethnic LGBTQ+ people in Denmark. I have previously made contributions to the Martha P Johnson Institute with your donations.
For more information about Sabaah and the awesome work they do, go here: https://sabaah.dk/en/
As for updates on stories - still working on the last book for Spirits and Crowns. It's taking a while as it's always hard to wrap up a series, and I wanna give you all the most satisfying end to this journey. Thank you all so much for your patience so far.
Have a happy Halloweeen and Inksgiving!
All the love,
Fray ♥
Hey everyone! In celebration of Pride I was invited for a chat about mental illness and queerness and how that affects the stories I write. Have a look!
I had a mini heart attack when I logged in and saw all the notifications. All the comments on my books were already removed, though. Does Tapas detect & clean them, too?
It's Pride Month, and besides my promotional campaign for queer creators, I've been donating everything I've earned here on Tapas to:
Black Lives Matter
and The Marsha P. Johnson Institute. https://marshap.org/
I decided to donate to the MPJI because Marsha was the first to throw a brick during the Stonewall Rebellion, cannonballing our fight for our rights forward, laying the foundation to what we as a community have today. Black trans women continue to targetted in our society though. We need listen to our black and trans siblings and we need to do more to ensure their safety.
I am not American but the fight against police brutality and racism is an important one, not just in the US but worldwide. And that's why I decided to donate to BLM.
I will continue to use what I earn here for great organisations and charities in the fight against oppression.
Please consider doing what you can too. Not just now, but continuously. Here's a twitter thread outlining what you can do to help: https://twitter.com/tpwkhollands/status/1265757092473954306
Tapas has been hit by a big spam bot attack and you'll probably notice a comment starting with "Hello dear friends" on... every... chapter of Spirits and Crowns. Don't click the link - and if you do, run your virus programme. It's most probably malware.
I debated on just leaving them until I decide if I'm deleting my account or not, but god forbid someone actually does stumble over my books I'd rather they not deal with that crap.