The following web novel series is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.
Love Class
Chapter 1
6:00 A.M.
Without fail, the maid came at the same time every day.
As soon as the clock on the bedside table pointed to six, the front door opened.
Eunchae gulped nervously. She was sitting on a man named Yiheon’s thighs, facing him.
Her entire body was stiff with anxiety. This charade had been going on every morning for weeks now, but she never failed to feel embarrassed.
“Ji Eunchae,” Yiheon said. She looked at him with trembling eyes. The footsteps were getting closer.
His hand slowly traveled back and forth along her spine, gently caressing her like she was a child to be soothed.
“Mmmn...” It was nothing much, but she quietly bit her lower lip, stifling a moan.
His eyes showed an odd gleam as he looked the confused young woman up and down. She hung her head, trying to hide her blushing face. Yiheon, looking down at the round crown of her head, laughed briefly.
“You were bold enough to climb on top of me. Now do something,” he commanded. There was a faintly playful tone in his voice.
She glared at him through her bangs.
Their eyes met.
His arrogant gaze looked as hard and unshakeable as the walls of a fortress. It was so firm that it left her wishing she could make that look crumble at least once.
Coming to a decision, she carefully placed her hands on his shoulders. She lifted herself up slightly and pushed closer to his body.
She shivered out a sigh. The blanket covering her thighs rustled as it slid downward.
Breathing heavily, Yiheon tightened his arm around her waist.
“Descend slowly,” he said.
Eunchae, now red in the neck too, nodded.
This is only an act.
She had told herself this multiple times, but it wasn’t proving easy.
“Why are you blushing so much? Are you embarrassed?” he whispered quietly.
His voice made her feel like she would melt. Even though she was fully clothed, it was as if he had just undressed her.
“Eunchae,” he whispered affectionately, kissing her along the side of the neck.
It felt strange, and she rested her forehead against the back of her hand where it sat on his shoulder. He could feel her rapid breaths.
“Now start moving,” he commanded.
She nodded and complied little by little, moving up and down hesitantly.
“That’s good. Slowly.” He continued to kiss her neck as the blanket rustled.
There were noises outside, all made by the hired hands. The mattress squeaked.
“You’re doing great,” he complimented.
Her face was completely hidden now, and she shook her head. She knew he was just making fun of her, but the embarrassment was unbearable. She felt humiliated, even though she knew this was nothing. Her breath grew so hot despite the meaningless movements.
“Because of you, everyone in the company thinks I’m a lunatic,” he whispered, his voice sweet as sugar.
“Oh...” she moaned.
“And that’s not all. They call me a shameless thief. The scum of the earth...”
As an accompaniment to this admonishment, he suddenly nibbled her neck. It didn’t hurt, since it carried little more force than the harmless grazing of a puppy.
“Eunchae,” he whispered.
Her mind grew dizzy. It felt strange to have him say her name like that—it sounded particularly sweet. She couldn’t even keep her mind on the domestic worker who was outside.
She was bodily lifted into the air as if she were being carried. A split-second later, she found herself beneath him.
“Oh, you and your lovely ways...” he said. She knew he couldn’t possibly mean it, so she did her best to ignore it.
Their time was nearly over—thirty minutes, no more. The domestic worker, who was actually here to watch them, would soon leave the house. Eunchae only needed to keep this up until then.
She balled her fists, feeling the hot breath falling on her lips.
Darkness seemed to descend after that.
Yiheon didn’t miss the opportunity. Her lips parted, and he pushed roughly inside, finding the most sensitive parts of her flesh and sucking.
The wet sounds of their tongues intertwining filled the air, and unfamiliar sensations coursed through her body.
It was soft and damp. She felt so hot, almost close to boiling point. It was like she was being devoured. Perhaps this was how it would feel to be fed upon by some wild animal.
“W-wait...” she stammered as their lips parted momentarily.
As the kiss had continued, she’d begun to run out of breath.
Yiheon smiled, noticing her frail eyelashes quivering. “Wait for what?” he breathed huskily.
Then the kiss resumed.
Her shaking fingers gripped his arms. They were strong and muscular from exercise, and she couldn’t even hold them properly. Her slender fingers struggled to find purchase, and she ultimately grabbed his shirt and crumpled it.
Yiheon finally let her go.
“You are so cute. You know that?” he asked.
The front door closed as the domestic worker left.
Eunchae panted, looking up at him. In contrast to how disheveled she had become, he looked completely unaffected.
Her heart felt like it would explode. She needed to hide away her feelings before they ran away with her.
Trying to hide her racing heartbeat, she murmured plaintively, “You... can be a little excessive at times, Mr. Cha.”
Yiheon burst out laughing.
“I know.”
He reached forward without hesitation, ruffling her hair as she lay in bed. Then, he lightly leaped to his feet.
* * *
She was his thirtieth.
Ji Eunchae was Cha Yiheon’s thirtieth blind date.
Last week, he’d had blind dates on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
It had been Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday the week before that.
This week, it was every day of the week, from Monday to Sunday.
Director Cha Yiheon, who worked for Chawoon Group, had been engaging in a series of blind dates that had been ongoing for months now.
He treats them like extracurricular high school activities.
The first woman had been the third daughter of the owner of Daesan Group, someone his age who worked in a legal profession. She had been number one on the list, making her the most ideal partner for him—at least until ten minutes into the date.
Those ten minutes were talked about just as much as the fact that Cha Yiheon of Chawoon Group was eligible in the marriage market.
Ten minutes was all it took for him to refuse whoever had come out to see him.
Everyone had been uncertain up till the fourth woman. But when it took precisely ten minutes for the fifth woman to be turned down during a date, people grew curious.
Why had it been exactly ten minutes? What sort of woman was he looking for?
Some simply refused to stand in line—they felt indignant about this behavior. Some came to him willingly, curious to see if they would fit his apparently picky tastes.
He continued to turn every woman down, however. Only after he had rejected twenty-nine women did Eunchae get a chance.
“Eunchae, you’ve got a very pretty face, if nothing else. Get that man to fall for you, no matter what.”
Her stepmother was badly mistaken. Did she really think that Eunchae’s pretty face presented an opportunity to hit the jackpot?
Can’t get much more absurd than that, she told herself.
It was a shallow misconception that didn’t take into account how she would actually make that “opportunity” a reality.
Regardless, that was how Eunchae found herself standing in front of a powder room mirror in a hotel lounge, where she and Cha Yiheon were supposed to meet. With a complicated expression on her face, she looked herself up and down.
In order to target his taste precisely, she had carefully studied the previous twenty-nine candidates.
I’ve excluded the innocent and intellectual types who made up the majority.
The next category, which had involved airy, princess-like outfits, had also been a no-go.
There had been only one remaining option.
What kind of woman would wear this to a blind date? she thought.
None of the twenty-nine women would have chosen such a style.
Her short dress, which bared her shoulders entirely, hugged her tightly despite her slim figure. Her makeup was bold, and her big curls hung over her cleavage. Nothing about the outfit was comfortable.
The sight of herself reflected in the mirror seemed bizarre to her.
This is not going to work, she thought, laughing at herself.
But even if it didn’t, she needed to excite his curiosity, at the very least. And failing that, she could not look like a child, by any means. Never.
Get it together, Eunchae. You can do this.
Yiheon had been meeting a woman at least three times a week, sometimes five. Surely he had settled into a rut.
She was making a bold play here.
Taking a deep breath, she walked out of the powder room. A few passersby moving through the lounge glanced at her.
She was used to being stared at, given her outstanding looks, but this was different. They inspected her from head to toe, focusing on her exposed shoulders and the curves of her body.
None of them will ever see me again.
She ignored the brazen looks and walked into the lounge.
“How can I help you?” A waitress who had been standing by came over. She had a polite, trained smile on her face.
Eunchae felt a little relieved when she saw her date across the room.
“My name is Ji Eunchae. I’m here to see Mr. Cha Yiheon.”
“Oh,” the waitress said, as if recognizing the name. At the same time, she studied Eunchae’s body with a puzzled look.
Eunchae blushed. She wished she could be honest with the waitress and let off some steam. Isn’t it absurd that I’ve come to a blind date dressed like this? she would have said.
The waitress quickly curbed her confusion. The kind smile returned, and she guided her customer to the table.
“The director has already arrived. This way, please.”
“Right,” Eunchae said, following her.
Her heart rate began to speed up the more she walked. She had already thought through what she would say—everything from the greeting to the main argument. But she was nervous, since she wasn’t sure how Yiheon would react.
“He’s over there,” the waitress said, pointing to a man seated with his back toward them. His back was broad and straight, and she could tell how well-built he was, even from a distance.
Eunchae balled her shaky fists silently.
“Uh, miss?” the waitress asked.
Eunchae finally smiled and nodded. “Thank you.”
“Have a great evening,” the waitress said. She also smiled as she walked away.
Eunchae gulped, trying to calm herself as she walked toward Yiheon. Her heels clacked against the floor, and each step felt as though it were tearing her heart into pieces.
When she had finally reached him, she clenched her fists again.
Let’s begin the countdown.
Her goal was simple: she just needed to last more than ten minutes.
She would become the exception to the rule.
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