A car that went vroom vroom into a ditch. There were no poople alive at the time, so it was very, very gloomy. Life was depressing but, the last poople all broke their ankles, and soon lived as a homeless man and never lived again. Life seemed as if it was sucked up into a whirlpool and never came back. All that was left were random cars still going vroom vroom through the streets. The scorching heat made the paint of the cars run down the sides. If people were here, they would have ink running down their eyes and nose and mouth and…. I don't know. Anyways, Life is so FRICKING depressing now. Cars are probably never going to stop and they don’t even have GAS. Like, tHe hEcK?! Anywho, a random grill is rolling down the road and never stops. Is life going to be DOGGY DOO?! Well, it doesn’t matter anymore because I’m not here anymore and life SUCKS. Well, there is no more life so I don’t even know the meaning to this random story anymore. I might as well stop writing in this story because it absolutely makes zero sense. Can I stop? I don’t know anymore. So- nvm..
Anywho, life still sucks and me don’t know what me is going to do. Poople are still breaking their ankles and it’s kinda funny.. You heard NOTHING. It was just your IMAGINATION.. yeah, so true.. aNyWAy, cars are still going vroom vroom inside of the road, no I meant to say, they are going vroom vroom ON the road. Yah, me wants MICKEY D’S. NOW, before me leave this dang place and call my mAnAgErr. *tries to scare you* RAWR. rawr. Rawr. ANYWHOOOOSOOSOSOSOS, me hungry still and i’m tired of watching people break their ankles. Me bored. Nvm. Cars.vroom.vroom.vroom.vroom- DID I JUST SEE A CAR CRASH.OMEEEEEEEEGWAD. Hehehehehehehehehehehehehe. Life is so depressing, and I can’t breathe surprisingly anymore. What makes me breathe now is listening to ‘City of Angels’ everyday, which is surprisingly healthy. Wait, what? Idk anymore. You know what? I’m tired of watching cars crashing. Like uhm…. Yah…………
Like I said last time, all the poople broke aalll of their bones- wait, did I even include that last time?- anywayyysssss, they broke all of their bones and I survived because well, isn’t it obvious? My ankles didn’t even break. Duh. What did you even think? Nvm, anyways life is 🌟WONDERFUL🌟. Kinda anyways, heh….. Um.
One blue car went into another car which landed into another car which landed into the other car which landed- what? Why do you look annoyed? Oh, it’s bc the cars landed into each other and the other and the other and the other. Ok, fine i’ll stop.
The cars never seemed to end their endless cycle. It seemed as it went on and on and on. FOREVER. Ngl it was boring. And depressing. And lonely. All of the things above.
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