Time seemed to warp in this realm. I don't know how much time has passed. I could feel something chasing after me, even though there was no sound behind me.
I've been running in this darkness. I questioned endlessly how much longer do I have to run? Suddenly, something pulled one of my legs and made me fall. Struggling to break free, I tried to kick.
However, there was nothing, but empty air once more. I got up and started running again.
Emotionally exhausted I started screaming, "Please stop." My voice echoes through this whole realm for a few more seconds. Yet, other than that it remains with an eerie silence.
Something pulled me and made me fall once again. But this time they turned my face up and my back touched the cold ground.
I thought I wouldn't see anything this time again. However, the shadows took the shape of hands in front of my eyes and looked at me. Like they can see through my soul. I had seen these hands a few times before.
Yet whenever I tried to touch them, my hand just passed through them. After hanging in front of my eyes for a few more seconds, they released me. I can't hear them, but their silent command drives me to run once more. I didn't waste any time and started running.
I run relentlessly, desperate for a sliver of light anywhere in this darkness that could save me. But there is nothing, it's always empty.
How did this place become so dark? No matter my speed, they always catch me, their torment pushing me to the brink before releasing me to flee once more.
I didn't sense anything behind me, so I paused for a second to catch my breath, even though I never had the courage to look back. At that moment, I realized it was a fatal mistake.
Hands murkier than before gripped my throat and squeezed the breath from my lungs. Tears welled in my eyes and flowed down.
(Please, let me escape this nightmare. I don't want to be here anymore.)
My thoughts seemed to anger them, as they were tightening their grip. I thought maybe this would be the last time however, they released me again.
Yet, the thought of running once more fills me with dread. I pleaded, "Please let me rest. Please…"
"Sis, wake up. Sis."
I suddenly wake up because of a sudden voice, and look up to see who's voice it is. "Hmm?"
"We're at school already."
"But I wish I could sleep a bit more. Haha."
I try to lighten the mood, masking any trace of unease in my voice.
Stepping off the bus, I notice other buses arriving, filled with chattering students spilling out into the morning air.
As we approach the school gate, the girl behind me breaks the silence. "Did you have a nightmare?"
I turn my head slightly.
"Not really."
"Sorry if it made you uncomfortable, but you were groaning in your sleep. That's why."
"It's okay."
She seems to understand my reluctance not to talk about it. Without pressing further, she smiled awkwardly before stepping ahead of me.
It's not that I can't share my dream; it's just the hassle of it all. But more than that, her eyes gleam with curiosity and the hunger for gossip.
I can already see the rumors swirling, ready to make me their center. It's already annoying just to think about it.
I stand at the school gate, a sea of students flowing past me as they enter the bustling corridors. Before I could take another step, a familiar voice pierced the air.
Startled by the sudden shout, I turned to see Jia approaching. "Hey, Jia. Don't shout."
"Haha... Did I scare you?"
I shoot her a playful glare and shift the conversation. "Just got here? Where's your bag?"
"Nah, I came at least 15 minutes ago. I'm just coming back after buying a few things."
"If I remember correctly, our school canteen is inside the school, not outside. Did you sneak off to the store again?"
"Oops, busted."
"Consider yourself lucky it's me who caught you and not the class president or a teacher."
"Don't worry."
I'm not worried about her; it's the repercussions her antics could bring to the whole class. But who's going to teach her these little lessons?
I let out a sigh.
"What's with the sigh?" Jia asks.
"Huh? Oh, nothing."
"Alright, if you say so. By the way, did you hear about the new transfer student?"
"She arrived today, and everyone's already buzzing about her."
Another addition to the beauty brigade. Our class already boasts a few stunners, so one more won't tip the scales much.
Jia cut off my thoughts before I could take them any further. She knew what I was thinking.
"You're probably thinking she's another beauty, right?"
It's really embarrassing to hear my own thoughts out loud.
"But you're mistaken about this."
"Everyone's staring because she's overweight."
Her words sour my mood. While I try not to dwell on others' situations, still it's not something pleasant to hear. I silently hope she finds the courage to navigate the attention.
Lost in thoughts, I reached my classroom, Jia already went ahead of me. That's why I can hear the class president's loud voice.
Her voice rises as she reprimands Jia. I can't help but smile at the thought of how much she is going to scold Jia.
The classroom falls silent as I push open the door. The class president shoots me a brief smile before redirecting her attention to Jia.
Caught in Jia's pleading gaze, I murmur softly, “You reap what you sow,” before settling into an unoccupied seat.
However, my gaze is drawn to the new girl. She stands out distinctly. While I can not label her as fat, there's no denying she's overweight.
I was looking at her so much that her eyes met mine, their size striking. Perhaps it's not her physique but the aura she exudes that commands attention. Regardless, it's not my concern.
I nod at her as a greeting before taking my seat.
Little did I know that my misfortune was about to begin because of her.
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