Here is the Cover of Volume 1 for "Someday Somewhere Else" it might roll out a little slowly, but I'm going to do my best to make the story a worthwhile adventure for you guys!
A young boy named Kiwi chases a fallen star into the woods one night and meets a legendary Wish Master known as "The Wanderer." When offered one free wish for finding a fallen star, Kiwi surprises the immortal wish granter when he asks what he would ask for if the wish were his to make. The Wanderer replies "I would wake my friend, the Dreamer, from her Eternal Sleep."
This is the story of Kiwi's great quest, to wake the Dreamer.
In the early days of this world, the Mists of creation covered the land of the Genesia region. These are the tails of the first hundred years before the Mists finally settled. Follow Saira, the first Wanderer, in this on-going anthology of misadventures through the stone age of the world of "Someday Somewhere Else."
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