“ Luc…”
“ Yes?”
“ Did you dispose of the trash I told you to get rid of?”
“ Yes, Aurelia…”
“ Good! Bring more tonight!”
“ Okay…”
If only I were to break away from her spell…..hopefully soon. Aurelia has me under full control, if I disobey her I get a really harsh punishment…it’s not a very good one. We met seven years ago…. I baked pastries and sent them to people on Bourbon Street, I loved to feed the people my food, but one day I laid my eyes on Aurelia…those beautiful hazel eyes staring right at me, I fell in love immediately! I didn’t want to approach her at first… however I went for it. We connected instantly, some call it love at first sight! Had I known what I knew now… I should’ve never approached her. Maybe I wouldn’t be still under her spell…
Our chemistry was unbelievable…we literally couldn’t keep our hands off each other! One day she told me to do one of her “ jobs” and I looked at her stunned…is she a witch or something? I did one of her “ jobs” for her that one time ... .until it became a full time thing once I became fully under her spell. The harm she caused me, I no longer visited my family or friends. They became very suspicious and one day my mama came to our place…. Aurelia became furious with my mama and pushed her down the stairs… I then grabbed her by the neck and yelled at her. She gave me a weak smirk as if she were happy that I was choking her….a very sick woman…I let go of her and went to see if my mama was alright… She was crying in so much pain. I picked her up gently and headed towards the door and as I was getting closer to the door Aurelia yelled
“ My mama is hurt and needs medical attention Aurelia!” I yelled
“ I DON’T GIVE A DAMN! PUT HER DOWN LUC! “ she came running over towards me
“ No! I’m leaving right now! “ I kept pushing her away while carrying my mama
Aurelia picks up a bat and hits on the head knocking me unconscious……after waking up from being hit I see my mama tied up by the fireplace, Aurelia has a metal piece in her hand putting it near the fire….she puts it close to my mama’s face, I tell her to stop this foolishness.
“I will burn this woman’s face! So you better tell me you’re not leaving! “ she puts it closer to my mama’s face
“ Please don’t hurt me! Just let me and my baby boy go, you evil hussy! “ my mama cried
Aurelia slapped my mama across the face with the metal piece….now I was really pissed!
“ That’s enough Aurelia! “
“ I’ll stop when you promise you won’t leave! “
“ Baby just promise the hussy! I’ll be alright! “ my mama gave me a smile
“ Actually Ms Mama , you won’t because you’re not leaving here alive! “ she started laughing
“ You betta not lay a finger on my mama Aurelia! I swear!” I cried clenching my fist
“ I was just kidding Luc! Relax!” She giggled
Aurelia unties my mama and tells her to run as fast as she can. She looked at her like was crazy… I knew what she was up to, I told my mama to just run away. I hugged her tight and just yelled at her to go. Aurelia smirks at my mama limping running out the door…. I turned away so that I wouldn’t face what was next….then I heard my mama’s screams while Aurelia’s guard dogs attacked my mama. The screams were gone….my mama was gone. Aurelia walked over towards me and said to me
“ Had you listened and not rebelled…your dumb mama would still be alive! She laughed in my face. From that day forward I officially broke all contact with my family and friends….cause if I ever contacted them, they’d end up like mama. For the past seven years I never disobeyed Aurelia again.
“ This is a horrible way to go! “
“ Tell me about it! But this woman looks very familiar…..”
“ Oh my goodness….she looks like Mrs. Brun….”
“ Brun? As in The Brun family, who makes those delicious pastries? Oh my lord….”
“ Poor Luc….hopefully he hasn’t found out….”
“ Pamela, we haven't seen him around in seven years ... .who knows where he could be! “
“ You’re right….but I’m going to be doing my own investigation for Luc.”
“ Be careful Pamela! “
I was in the store and saw some of my old homeboys. It felt good to talk to them and see some of them…. I sure do miss being around people other than Aurelia. As I was getting the food on my list I saw a very familiar face….ah yes my high school sweetheart… Pamela Dupuis. She still looked beautiful as ever, I waved at her and she had a stunned look on her face. She walked over to me and gave me a hug. It was so nice to see her.
“ Luc! It’s been so long! You’re looking good! “ she smiled at me
“ Thank you Pam! You’re still gorgeous! “
“ So what brings you here? People haven’t seen you in years….did you know about your mother? “
“ No…..what happened? “
“ she was viciously attacked by some sort of animal and didn’t make it…I’m so sorry Luc! She was a wonderful woman…”
“ Oh my gosh….who would do something like that to my mama….”
“ Luc, do you know who would do this to your mother? “
“ My mama didn’t have any enemies…. I just don’t know who would hurt her! “
“ Is that your girlfriend? “ Pamela smirks
“ Yeah ... .she gets really aggravated fast…”
“ I can see that…”
“ Who’s this bitch Luc? Why are you talking to another woman other than me? “ she yells in my face
“ Hi, I’m Pamela Dupuis… I grew up with Luc! “ she puts her hand out to shake
“ I don’t give a damn who you are! Stay away from him! “ she slaps her hand away
“ Well… let me get going! It was nice seeing you Luc! See ya around! “
“ See ya around Pam…” sadness appeared on my face once she left
When we got back home, Aurelia kept yelling at me about Pamela and asking me if I slept with her and telling me I better not think about seeing her or she’ll harm her.
“ If you even think about seeing that Pamela bitch again I will harm her like I did with your stupid mama! “ she chuckled
“ I already told you that I’m not leaving… and stop bringing up my mama! “ tears fell down my cheeks
“ I know your punk ass ain’t cry! She got what she deserved coming between us! “
“ Enough already! Evil ass bitch…” I mumbled under my breath
“ WHAT DID YOU CALL ME?? OH I'LL SHOW YOU A EVIL ASS BITCH!” She picks up a fork and puts it near my eye
“ What are you trying to do? Take my eye out? “
Loud painful screams came out of my mouth….it was the worst pain I’ve ever experienced. She took out my left eye with a fork…how can someone who says they love would want to do something so evil to them? While she went to sleep I went next door to her neighbor Mrs. Fuselier’s house. She has known Aurelia since she was a child and knew all about her evil ways….. I came inside and let her fix up my left eye.
“ I can’t believe she would do something wicked like this to you…I’m sorry Luc”
“ It’s beyond wicked…. I just don’t know how long I can do this….”
“ Poor girl hasn’t been the same since her parents were killed in front of her as a teenager….she really went through some trauma! But she shouldn’t have done that to you! “
“ She told me about that….it’s sad that happened to her.”
“ Causing pain for someone you love is not love…I hope you know that.”
Mrs. Fuselier finished patching up my left eye. I hugged her and thanked her for helping me and went back home.
“ Hey Pamela, check out this report….”
“ Wait a minute…..I’ve seen this woman before! When I went to the store she was with Luc!
“ Foreal? What the hell is he doing with something psycho like her ....”
“ I don’t know, but she wasn’t very nice to me and kept yelling at Luc like he was some sort of child…”
“ He needs to get away from her before she harms him…”
“ If only I could find out where they live….”
“ The address is in the files right here! Go ahead and arrest that woman she’s been getting away with crimes for a long time! “
“ I’m going right now! “
Pamela grabbed lots of weapons and put them in the trunk. She drives off towards Aurelia’s house hoping she can save Luc.
I was in the kitchen baking pastries. A loud knock was at the door. I stopped what I was doing and opened the door….it was Pamela. She put her hand on her gun and looked up at me.
“ What brings you here Pamela? “.
“ I’m here to arrest Aurelia Aucoin for the many crimes she committed….where is she Luc?”
“ I’m here to arrest you! Now come with me! “
“ And what if I don’t? “ she laughed
“ then if you resist I will have to use force….”
“ Please don’t harm Pam…let her go…and let me go too! “
“ YOU MUST THINK I’M STUPID! YOU OR THIS BITCH AIN’T GOING NOWHERE TOGETHER! “ she picks up a knife and charges at Pamela and stabs her in the stomach. Pamela tries to shoot her but Aurelia knocks it out of her hands. I pick up the gun and aim it at Aurelia….she takes the knife out of Pamela and I tell her to stop before I shoot her. She walks up to me while I’m still holding the gun.
“ I know your punk ass is not going to shoot me? Look at ya! You’re shaking like a little kid! “ she laughs at me
“ Don’t come any closer….. I will do it! “
“ THEN DO IT LUC! SHOOT ME! GO AHEAD! “ she puts her head on the gun
I started hesitating….here I am willing to get rid of someone who caused me so much pain for many years. But this time she needed to disappear from my life for good. I aimed the gun at her and shot at her twice….she slowly looked down and then smiled at me weakly.
“ YOU LITTLE…PUN…K… “ she fell to the ground. She was finally gone. I was free from her spell.
I went over to Pam, she was injured really badly. I gently pick her up and walk out of the house. I get my lighter out and hit a cigarette.. I also threw gasoline around the house and inside and set it on fire. The cops and ambulance came for Pamela to treat her wounds. She looked at me and then I looked at her.
“ How do you feel now Luc? “
“ Free…something I haven’t felt in seven years….”
I went back to see my family, when they saw me they all came running towards me…they hugged me tightly crying. I cried with them, I missed them so much. From now on I will stay with my family. The days of being under Aurelia’s control are finally over.
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