I’ve always been the new kid, My family moving around a lot doesn’t seem to help. So I never really bother with friends. Oh, Hi my name is Haruka, I’m 15 and I have been to 18 different schools, You see it all started when my mom and I moved to California. After my father died. A year after the move my mom met my Step-Dad, Masashi. In the beginning, I hated him, But after a bit, I got used to him. Not long after we moved in with him, That ties into the present day, Here we are.“HARUKA COME DOWNSTAIRS!!” I shot up like a bullet and looked at the time. 6:50, I got dressed into my school uniform(Black pants and a black buttons up shirt) I know what your thinking. No, I’m not a boy. At my school, the girl uniforms are these TINY little skirts and buttoned-up shirts. So my first day I asked to wear a boy’s uniform it took some fighting but it worked! Anyways, I run down the stairs and grab a piece of toast and my backpack and I run out the door so I make it to the bus stop in time. Of course, when I get to the bus stop I was with Benny, Caroline, and Claire. Those 3 are the bullies or the Queens of the school. All the boys want them and all the girls want to be them. Well besides me. The girls wear the uniform but it's always Pink for Claire the Queen bee, Red for benny the royal servant and caroline wears a mint green. There honestly really petty. The bus comes and I get on. Great Time for Another torture day at school.
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