Hi, I'm Silver Raven, this is my first comic since I've learned that you can make s*it with just your phone (no, I don't have anything except my phone) roughtly a month ago (I'm so late, I know) and my grammar is off sometimes (it'll help if you can tell me if I got it wrong) and since this manga (comic, whatever) is crap, I can't say much buuuuutttt (not bu*t), please enjoy (the next episode too, if possible). :)
- Please read from right to left.
- This is a 4-koma (sometimes more than four) manga (comic) format, or basically, a comic strip.
- Imperfect grammar.
- Cringe worthy contents.
- The timelines is messed up, please be warned.
- Has actual plot. You just need to find it... *cough* somewhere *cough*
- There's swearing involved.
- I don't know jack s*it. :D
- Happy reading (?)
Current status: on hiatus for an unforseen time. Future plan is to restarting this project to its original storyline (I did said it have actual plot). I don't know when yet, but not right now.
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