Jane was obsessed with the paranormal. She absolutely loved everything related to it. All she could do think about was the paranormal. She knew everything about the most famous haunted locations and has even been there. She started a youtube channel related to it. Her obsession with ghosts made it almost impossible for her to make friends. Everytime her family asked her why she has almost no friends, she'd say that she has friends in the spirit realm. Somehow she found someone who believed in ghosts as much as she did, to help her with her videos. Her house was filled with haunted dolls and items, so much to the point her house was a haunted location.
One day, while preparing for a video she was making at Zac Bagans museum, her boyfriend came upto her and asked "Are you sure you wanna do this?" Jane was shocked that her boyfriend, who helped her with her videos for years, was unsure if they should continue or not. " Of course I'm sure. You arent thinking of backing out now, are you?" "No! No, I was just making sure you wanted to do this", replied Max. "I just dont want you getting hurt..." "Oh please. Like anything could happen to me"
One plane flight later, they reached their haunted location; Zac Bagans, The Haunted Museum.
"C'mon, we have to film the intro." said Jane, a few minutes after they arrived.
"Whats up guys, ghost busters here, and welcome....
to Zac bagans haunted museum!!!!!!"
As they started filming the history of the museum, they heard a noise, coming from somewhere in the museum. Max went to go check it out while Jane stayed back and continued setting up. As Jane waited for max to come back, she got a phone call.
Jane picked up the phone but all she could hear was raspy breathing, like they ran a lot. After saying "Helloooooooooooo" a few times, she was about to cut the call when,
"You're doomed. They're coming after you. You've disrespected them enough. They want you to suffer. Beware of the dangers." Then the phone call ended.....
heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy, long time no seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. no im not drunk, im a minor. tune in next time to find out what that noise was and also what happened to jane after that phone call. byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Jane was obsessed with the paranormal. She always believed she had a way with spirits. She always wanted to see the spirit world through her eyes. One day, her dreams come true, but not in the way she wanted.
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