Have you ever felt empty inside? Or maybe felt left out, or alone? Maybe you even feel that way right now? If you feel empty, or alone right now, I highly recommend you not read any further, for this story is dark, cold, and lonely. This is a truly horrifying story, but not the kind with killer clowns, witches, or monsters (there will be some monsters) this story is scary in a sense of being lost and afraid.
Let us start at the beginning. We have all started somewhere, and so will this story. But this story will not start on the usual “dark and stormy night.” No, this story will start on a joyful day. A day of excitement. This story will start on the 20th of October, a Wednesday. Today is the first Trunk or Treat for the local middle school. But before we get into detail about that, I must first tell you who I am. My name? I don’t have one. What am I? The author’s thoughts. In other words, I am just words on a paper that the author of this was thinking about at one point in time and decided to write down. I have no personality, nor do I have any sense of who you are. You may have a thought or an image of what I look like in your head, or you may associate some personality with me, but in reality, I am just words on paper.
On the 20th of October (the day of the Trunk or Treat) it was a normal school day. Everyone was starting to get excited for Halloween, but nobody was as excited as one student. This student’s name was Brook. Brook was an average teenager from the outside. He had a medium length side swept under cut and blond hair. His eyes were big and blue, and he had freckles splattered all over his pale face. He wore grunge-style clothes and was an average height for a teenager of late 13. He was often excluded from his average friend group but didn’t know who else to hang with. Brook was a funny kid; he always knew how to make people laugh (unless he didn’t) but he was also a good friend. If something were to happen to a friend of his, he would make sure they were okay, and not rest until they were okay. Brook also had only one fear; the fear of being empty.
Brook was a fashion nerd. Some people might argue that his clothes were not age appropriate (he wore a lot of spikes) or they just thought that his clothes didn’t look good, but he made sure to pick out each outfit carefully.
He was going to be a costume judge for the Trunk or Treat, and he knew what he was looking for. Brook wanted to find a unique, scary, interesting, handmade costume. Nobody wore one. There were people with store-bought Disney princess costumes, Jason and scream masks, and people dressed up as food (Why would anyone dress up as food for Halloween?)
In the end, a 7th grader dressed up as a ghost won. It was a simple costume, a white bed sheet with eye holes cut out. It looked like someone had a nosebleed all over it at least two years ago and someone forgot to stain-stick it. The brownish red splatters all over it did add character to it though.
Brook watched the 7th grader (whose name was Jesse) go back to his parents' Jeep. Jesse’s mom was waiting for him, and embraced him in a hug, probably congratulating him on winning the contest. Brook noticed that the mom was taking part in the trunk decorating competition. She decorated her trunk with skeletons hanging on either side of the trunk, some fake pumpkins, spider webs, and a big candy bowl in the middle. Brook hadn’t noticed her trunk before, so he assumed that he missed it. The trunk or treat was almost over, but Brook decided that it wouldn’t hurt to go to one more trunk and get some more candy. As he approached the Jeep, he noticed Jesse and his mom staring at him. He thought nothing of it, and continued walking towards the Jeep. When he reached the trunk, he peered into the candy bowl and noticed that it was full of water. But under the water, there was his favorite candy; Reece's Cups. Brook reached his hand into the water, closed his hand around some candy, and pulled his hand out of the water. His hand was covered in blood, and a warm, still-beating heart was in his hand.
Blood oozed out of it and dribbled down his arm. He suddenly felt empty. Not mentally, but physically. He felt his body stop. He looked down and noticed a blood stain on his shirt over his left breast. He tore his shirt from his body and noticed a hole where his heart used to be. He looked back to his hand with the heart in it and realized what he had done. He was Hollow. He was what he had always feared most; Empty. Nobody was paying attention to him, nobody seemed to notice he had just ripped his heart from his chest. One person turned around to face him, and Brook realized that it was his friend, but his friend looked right through him, as if he wasn’t there. Brook screamed for help at his friend, and his friend started walking towards him, possibly responding to his screams for help? But no, his friend walked right through him. Brook wondered if he was a ghost, but the panicked state he was in made him quickly push the thought to the back of his head.
Brook whipped around, left, right, and back again. He was looking for Jesse. He turned back to the Jeep, but it was gone. In its place was a black carriage pulled by two black horses. The horses had long black mains and tails, the exact same shade of black as their skin. They had big, leathery wings, with a singular sharp hooked claw on the top of each wing. They were otherworldly, monstrous beings. But somehow, for a reason unbeknownst to Brook, he was not afraid of them. Despite their ugly, devilish appearance, he feared them not.
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