Delilah - Present
Another working day is over and weekend starts exactly now that she arrives at home... Delilah closes the door and locks it. The handbag, mainly filled with needless stuff, is placed on the chair and, while leaning on the wall, she takes off one shoe at a time with the help of the other foot. Her mobile phone, now out of the bag, is checked.
- No messages, thank gods! Not in the mood...
During the day, this lawyer secretary decided not to go out tonight. Her plans for the evening are simply having a shower, eating comfort food and watching some TV. She knows that a few minutes after sitting on the sofa, she is going to fall asleep and spend the rest of the night there.
Already in the bathroom, she opens the tap and, after checking the temperature, the woman steps in and lets the hot water run down her tired body. Tears fall down from the closed eyes, and very quickly, Delilah starts to sob with the face under her hands. The sound of the dropping water somehow relaxes her.
She despises feeling pity for herself but today… she feels weak and alone and exhausted of hiding emotions… and, especially suppressing the memories of the past. If she could just erase this pain throbbing inside the chest whenever the mistakes appear in her mind.
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