“Boss. We have a cockroach problem.”
With a sigh, I turned my chair around to face Francis, my right-hand man. He stopped next to me and dropped a pile of photos on my desk. I wrinkled my nose at them, and slowly spread them out. Screenshots, mostly. Men I didn’t know, nor had ever heard of. One of those shots drew my attention. A group of masked people burning black flags in the darkness of the night, the flames illuminating a familiar building in the background.
I growled at the insolence.
“Is that our City Hall?” I asked.
“Yes,” Francis replied, his voice and expression as hateful as mine.
“When was this?” I asked, pulling the picture closer.
“The video was uploaded last night. The media picked it up an hour later.”
“Who’s the leader?” I asked, and Francis leaned in to pull one of the photos closer.
It showed a balding thirty-something year old man holding a burning black flag as he sneered at the camera.
“Don’t know yet, Boss, but we’re working on it,” Francis said. “They call themselves Rightful Sons.”
I rolled my eyes. “How original. Find them. I want to pay them a visit.”
“Sure thing, Boss,” Francis said, and left.
I gave one last glance at the photos before swiping them into my trash can. Where they belonged. My intention was to continue working, but only minutes later, I found myself browsing through the news, trying to find the article about these rightful sons. It annoyed me, but my burning hate wouldn’t allow me to focus on anything else.
I found it. The site had a whole video report about them. More than they deserved.
“A new group of True Order supporters has emerged in…”
I wrinkled my nose at the reporter’s chosen words. Supporters. No. Terrorists.
“… as seen on the video I’m about to show you next. Please be advised, what you’re about to see may be disturbing to some viewers.”
The video cut to another one. A group of five people stood next to the City Hall with black flags in their hands, while more were tearing down the flags hanging on the walls behind them.
“We are the Rightful Sons! We are here to show our support to True Order, who were wrongfully forced to disband over the claims of all the omega bitches and those who support them! Our so-called government is the true terrorist group here, not us! We will fight for our birthright to lead this country! We will fight for our right to exist! We will fight to bring back the natural order! We will keep fighting until the terroristic government steps down and lets our true leaders take back their rightful place! For True Order!”
The men set the black flags in flames and waved them around like the morons they were.
“True Order! True Order! True Order!!”
My hate boiled as I watched the flames. They dared to burn the sacred flags, the flags we raised to mourn the thousands of people lost in a single day in the hands of the True Order terrorists… in my city?
The man in the middle stepped closer to the camera and took off his mask. It was the leader.
“This day will go down in history as the day we, the Rightful Sons, the real alphas, will step up and change this world back to how it’s supposed to be! We will make sure the braindead omegas won’t get to ruin our beloved country any longer! This world is ours! This world belongs to the strongest! The real alphas! We will drive every single bitch omega and all those weak-minded omega lovers who dare to call themselves alphas out of this country!”
“We’ll see about that,” I muttered, rolling my eyes as I closed the site.
My men worked tirelessly to find out where this new terrorist group was hiding. Even I joined the hunt and made all the phone calls and pulled all the strings I could think of, but nothing. Sure, this group was new. No one knew them. No one had heard of them before. But I had to find them before they’d start hiding bombs in my city. That was unacceptable.
This was my city. My territory. I would not allow any harm to my civilians.
Later the day, the governor spoke to the media about this new group, assuring everyone that she was doing everything in her power to stop them before they could take a single life, that her cops and her army were already hunting down these monsters, and asked if anyone had any information, they should contact the authorities immediately.
Good. There had to be people who knew something. I was sure we’d finally have more information within hours.
But no. Nothing.
It was frustrating. Every minute counted. There could already be dozens of bombs getting delivered to the busiest spots in my city. That’s what they did. Once the new groups had announced themselves, within a day or two, they’d start their attacks. People would die. Both alphas and omegas. These monsters didn’t care who they killed. Most of them didn’t even care about politics or True Order. They just wanted to kill and cause chaos.
But not in my city.
Nothing happened that day. The sun had set hours ago, and no news about terror and chaos had risen. I was still up with some of my men, who had returned from their exhaustive hunt. I had to make the call to end the day and let my men go home.
I let out a sigh, then called for their attention. “I think we need to call it a–”
A phone rang, interrupting me and silencing the room. Gus, the man who it belonged to, picked it up and answered.
“This is Gus.” He stared at the air as he listened, then his eyes widened and he turned to me. “You have a cockroach problem? Where?”
I let out a long sigh and laughed lightly.
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