Please read this note before reading any episodes.
I thought about it a lot. I needed my time to make a decision. I have two options: create a new URL [page] for this story or continue the story on this page.
The problem arose when I changed a bit of the story—well, not a bit. So, I had to think a lot. Editing the story is possible, but my heart screamed, 'No,' and I always listened to it.
After thinking a lot, I have decided to start the story from the beginning.
Please bear with me on this decision. And it's been so long since since I posted. So, let's read the story from the beginning and continue it. Most of the story was the same. But the changes I made were big.
For the old episodes[till8], I will post two times a week[Wed, Sat]. And for new episodes[from 9], I will post one episode each week[Sat].
I will also add this note at the beginning of the story [Episode 1] to let the new readers know that the story will begin in episode 11[next episode].
And I need to thank someone.
When I came back, I asked if anyone still wanted to read my story, only you commented.
Your comment helped me a lot more than you know. This story is going to continue because of that comment, because of you.
Thank you, Yuki Chan.
And I thank all my readers who supported me before.
Please do support me now, too. So I can write this story, which didn't let me sleep. It's demanding and dragged me here even after years.
Let's enjoy the story.
Again, these are old episodes. The story continues and begins in the 11th episode. Thank you.
Asher smiled at the baby, who had been cooing at his mother. He paid the bill and picked up his coffee from the stand. He wiped his forehead. He felt uneasy the whole day. But he can’t pinpoint why. He looked at the sky it was getting dark. He plucked the lid from the cup and drank it without breathing. He threw away the empty cup and walked towards his car.
He felt something behind him. He turned to look at it. Nothing. But he had the sensation of someone watching him. He got in his car. He started his car and turned on his music. He adjusted his mirror and saw something in the backseat. He turned to look. It was dark and the figure moved from darkness into light. Asher’s eyes widened in surprise. A big black wolf was looking directly into his eyes.
He can’t believe that a wolf was inside his car. It was growling at him. He was not a usual person to get freaked out. Even though it was wired, he was not frightened. He was just confused. It was showing its teeth maybe to threaten him but he was not interested in getting frightened.
“Nice to meet you too. But it's my car. So get out.” Asher ordered.
The wolf stopped growling. It tilted its head. Its expression says it was surprised. Asher smirked. He always loved animals and felt connected to them from his childhood. But his father hates every single animal. So he hid his temporary pet in the room. Under the bed. Behind the mirror. Above the closet. Even inside his old shoes. Now he was all grown up but still hiding his pet habit never died. He thought introducing today’s temporary pet Chris might convince the wolf that he is not a meal but a predator himself.
“There is a python under that seat. Chris is my pet. You are standing on top of him. Any time he might wake up and …”
Before he finishes the wolf's eyes widen in fear and jumped throw the window, breaking it. Asher stopped his car and looked at the running wolf disappear into the shadow.
“Fuck.” Asher was now pissed. Of course, it's his mistake not to make a way for the wolf to run. What was he expecting? That wolf to disappear as it appears. Now he needs to find a garage to repair his glass.
He combed his hair with his fingers. He pulled the seat up and looked at the space he built underneath it. Chris was sleeping peacefully. He is a good boy. Asher closed the seats and started the car again.
He drove a bit faster than usual. He needed that. There was something that ran along with him in the darkness. He wondered which animal was that fast to play chase with him. He can see a glimpse here and there. He looked curiously to find the distraction. It's that cute big wolf again.
“You brat.” Asher chuckled.
The wolf went deeper into the woods. Came back. Went deeper into the woods again. As if it wanted him to follow him. He usually never follows anyone other than his heart. He made an expectation and followed the path which never been carried on wheels.
He chased the wolf. It looked back now and then and speeded up every time.
Asher felt his blood rush. He laughed hard and forgot everything other than the wolf. The wolf had a funny personality. It jumped and crouched avoiding trees and trunks. It was getting very difficult for him to drive without hitting a tree. He knows he can't keep up. He stopped the music to concentrate. He can't stop smiling.
Suddenly something fell in front of his car which caused him to put the brake hastily. He looked around for the wolf. It disappeared. He felt rage. He climbed out of the car and walked towards the thing which fell from the tree.
The moment he saw his heart skipped a beat.
It was a child.
Covered in blood.
Breathing hard.
He ran towards the kid and lifted him from the ground.
“Who are you? What are you doing here? In the forest at night huh? Shit, the hospital is four kilometers away. How the hell you ended up hurting like this? Did any animal attack you?” He ran toward the car and opened his back seat.
“No” the child muttered.
“Huh.” He held his left ear near the kid's mouth.
“Mummy.” The kid lifted his broken finger.
The child showed him where the wolf disappeared.
Did the wolf attack the kid and his mother? Is he also lured like the kid? What is hidden in the place which the wolf wanted him to go? Asher had so many questions but he didn’t have any answers.
He intended to find it.
“More people are hurt there, kid?” Asher questioned but he was walking that way before the kid answered.
The kid muttered, “More”.
He nodded his head and walked fast.
A scream tore through the woods.
Asher stopped on the track. The kid shivered. He held the kid tight in one hand and checked his waist for his gun. He picked it up and secured the child in both hands. His heart doesn’t want to leave the child in the car. His mind doesn’t want to take the child where people are in danger.
Hell, with it. His heart never made him do wrong. He picked up the speed. He ran for a few minutes before he saw the lights. Bright lights in the forest.
“So, it's not the animals who are attacking children and women. It's worse than animals. Humans.” Asher chuckled dryly.
He walked slowly without making noise and studied the scene presented before him.
Women and children were beaten to a pulp. Men were chained and nearly dead. They all were naked but covered in dirt and blood. A bunch of assholes pointed their guns around them. A bastard was holding a child by his legs. There was a man who couldn't stand properly had a knife in his hand and burned the bastard with his eyes.
“Drop the knife or I will tear this little monster.” He pulled the child's legs apart.
The fighter reluctantly throws the knife. The moment he dropped the knife another bastard hit him on his head making the man fall down. They laughed at his pitiful fall. The bastard throws the baby on the floor without a glance.
The baby screamed in pain. A woman moved faster to pick up the child and save him. But the leader bastard pointed the gun at the baby and stopped her advances. Asher slowly placed the baby near the tree and placed his finger on his lips.
The child nodded his head. One thing bothered him. The people now and then looked in his direction from the moment he came. But the assholes didn’t notice him. He was sure that they couldn't see him but he doubted that they knew he was here. He doesn’t want the assholes to know before he does something. Once the baby was safe he stood straight.
Asher slowly pointed the gun and aimed at the leader. He shot. The asshole laughing fell suddenly which made the other bastards wipe their awful laugh. He walked forward into the lights with his gun pointed in the asshole's direction.
His figure is revealed in front of the people. From the abusers to victims everyone was equally shocked. Their gaps and murmuring filled the night.
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