Apologies for the delay on OWEN updates! I've been getting a new job and moved out of home but I'm moved in and getting settled so I should begin working on your next update shortly. Wishing you a wonderful week. :)
I know most of you are interested only in my work here on Tapas but if you're looking to support more of my artistic endeavors off this site, check out my website https://molarz-elijah-lyn.carrd.co/ where you will find my social media accounts. Gonna be picking up activity there in the coming months.
Since I reached the ink goal for the QnA (The QnA was posted here for anyone who may have missed it: https://tapas.io/episode/2944868 ) I'm wondering if any of y'all have ideas for what the next goal reward should be? I'll be asking again on my next update to reach my wider audience, but I've been out of the loop with the online art community long enough that I have no idea what sort of rewards folks offer their audience anymore! Is there anything that you as an audience member like to be rewarded with or are motivated by from a creator's tip goal? Just need some ideas to get the brain cogs turning.
Perhaps, CryptidCat! I'd feel bad if that was the only thing y'all received for reaching a new ink goal though. If I get more requests of a similar nature, I could potentially combine the ideas together. Thank you! :)
No worries!! I would give you ink but I don't have any money to pay for it, so I've been trying to guide more people to Owen to hopefully get you the support you deserve :) I hope your having a great week. We're grateful for every little thing you give us.
I plan to post the OWEN QnA within the next couple weeks! If you have any questions you'd like to see answered, please comment it on the recent update here: https://tapas.io/episode/2893857
Hello folks! Sorry for such a long delay with no activity. My focus has been on securing a job so Owen had been temporarily brushed to the side. But! I want to reassure that Owen is still an active project!
I have really big plans for OWEN set in motion right now that I'm not ready the share until more progress is made but just know I'm super excited for it and I hope ya'll will appreciate it come time for its release!
But yeah! Just want to apologize for lack of content, just know there's a lot of good things happening. Hope all yall are doing well these days and to take care of yourselves! :)
Had a massive data loss for OWEN :'(
All my existing pages as well as the next couple updates are OK, however, I lost the next 15+ chapters worth of plans and content and character details. So I'm not gonna be able to begin the next chapter right away like I usually would. So sorry :') <3
This is ya'lls reminder to back up your work PFFT
This is my second OWEN data loss so I think at this rate I'm putting OWEN shit in a binder or smthin lmao
Also, I will mention that, to my knowledge, Merchshop Items are listed below a creator's Series list as well as a yellow "Shop" button will take you to their shop if they have one! Just for future reference since I know it's a new feature.
Chapter 5' Cover Page for OWEN will be released tomorrow! I will also be including featured fanart! If you would like to see your fanart in the next update, please DM me through instagram or twitter @m0larz (o is a zero) and include any social media plugs youd like for me to include!
Yay! Cant wait! Your story brings me much joy during my depressing times and I am ever so greatful for your return from your hiatus. I hope you are having a great day and I'll be here for the next chapter! Thanks for being here Molarz!!