“Yep,” I said slamming the car door shut. “You have everything?” My father always second guessed me. He was peering at me curiously from behind the sunglasses perched on his face. “When have I ever forgotten anything?” “I can surely name multiple times when-“ “It was rhetorical!!” His old chuckle resounded inside the small vehicle as he started the engine. “I guess that we’ll have to see about that. Anyways, they did tell me to give you your job assignment while we were driving there.” He handed me a black folder with the stark white symbol of the compound on the front. I looked at him and he smiled. “Go ahead and open it. It’s your assignment not mine.” I shakily reached for the side of the folder and cautiously opened it. The contents inside didn’t surprise me but I was still shocked. “Janitor? Really?” I sighed rifling through the papers to see where I needed to go and what I needed to do. The letter inside read:
Dear Star,
We are so excited to see your interest in working for us. We are happy to announce that you will start working as a janitor under your father in the C Block. You may follow him to your work station once you pick up your uniform and get oriented with the current program. There are also no other janitors in that Block, so you will assume the head position. You’ll be learning from a recorded video on how to remove stains and what schedule you should follow. If you have any questions feel free to ask your father, Lieutenant R.S. Other than that we hope to find that you’ll enjoy your new job.
Welcome to the New Era.
“They get right to the point don’t they?” My father nodded. “Sure do. You’ll have to take some photos today for your I.D. to get into the compound. You’re okay with that right?” “S-sure,” I gulped nervously. He frowned, “You don’t sound so sure, but okay.” We still had a long way to go. The compound was about 4 miles from our house and since all of the roadways were always being repaired from the constant threat of alien attacks. Yes, aliens are real. I find it hard to believe myself sometimes. I went to school with some and many of the prisoners in the compound are aliens. They’re mysterious but I don’t see why we have any reason to be afraid of them. Most of my friends are aliens! The rest of my species seem to hate me and I have no idea why or when it happened. Or if it’s just my mind psyching me out. Eh, not that big of a deal. It’s better to be a loner sometimes, more peace and quiet.
I was jolted out of my daydreams when the car jolted to a stop. I put out my arms instinctively to stop my head from banging into the dash board. “Sorry, everyone just stopped suddenly,” my dad said. He wiped his brow. “Is everything okay?” “We’ll have to see, huh?” My stomach turned. This was worry-some. I mean, I know that the roads are bad but there’s never been an accident in years. It’s gotta be something else. Something more dangerous that a few simple cars smashing into each other. Apparently one of the neighboring buildings was being deconstructed that day in order to make room for a new school. The workers weren't being very careful and a chunk fell onto the road and crushed two other cars.
"You think we should test out those modifications we made this weekend?" I turned towards my dad and grinned wildly. "You mean so we aren't late? That would be bad for my work record, huh?" "Indeed," my dad turned to the dash and flipped open the cigarette lighter. Instead of the normal port to light a cigarette, there was a button. "Shall you do the honors my dearest father?" "With pleasure." He pushed the button in and a series of small clicks rang throughout the chassis of the car. The wheels on the vehicle shifted upward and were replaced by hover units and a motor erupted from the car's trunk. "GUN IT," I yelled enthusiastically. Dad shifted the car down to 'fly' and pressed the gas. Other people behind us watched in amusement as we shot into the air.
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