“Hey Star! Hurry up!” I bolted out of bed and started to get ready. I had forgotten to get up the first time. Guess I should start out with a sort of formal introduction maybe? I’m Star. Currently living in the Jupiter stratosphere with my mother, father, and little brother. My dad works at a prison complex a couple miles from here. It’s quite interesting. Which is exactly why I’m so excited to start working there today! He has warned me that I’ll most likely start out doing the grunt work. That’s completely fine though! It makes working up through the many ranks much more exciting.
I suppose that I should tell you about my Mother. I don’t really know a lot about her except that she can’t cook and that she works in politics (she’s not on the news a lot so I don't think you would know her). Philip (my little brother) and I do the cooking instead. Dad gets home really late every night. I’m not sure if I will too. Most likely, so Philip will be on his own for a bit. He’s responsible so I think he can handle it. No big deal right? We used to walk home together from the school that’s in the city. We live on the outskirts nearby. Not too good but not bad either.
As I hurried down the old wooden stairs in our apartment complex I heard Philip coming up from behind me. I was then smothered in a hug. “Have a good day today brother!” I turned and ruffled his hair, smiling. He grinned back, showing me his somewhat empty smile. He was still losing his baby teeth and gaining new adult ones and the black gaps that were left in his mouth made him seem ruff and tumble but I knew better. He was a good brother and would never want to hurt others.
Unlike him I had different plans. I had never minded getting my hands dirty, though I would never start a fight. End one, sure. I smiled at the thought. “You’ll be okay right? You know where everything i-,” a punch landed against my arm playfully. “Sure I do! Look at me!” He held his arms out to parallel to the ground. “I look healthy right? We’ve been over this!” Then he proceeded to place his hands on my back and push me out the door. “You’ll be late!!! Try not to beat anyone up too soon!!” I ran the last few feet to the classy grey car that my father had always driven. He was in the driver’s seat, sunglasses on,watching the door of the house. The window was rolled down and the breeze today was gentle. Not at all like the job that I was going to. “Ready to go?”
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