So the kid can hack into NASA and they just let him take his cellphone with him. Because that is what you obviously do when you imprison little Snowdens-in-becoming. The again, knowing Eugene, he will most probably find a good use for our little bugger there. I do hope you are planning on adding a quote by Rousseau eventually. The fact you showed Voltaire off to his advantaged irked me. Though, I feel Marcel Proust would fit Eugene better. How about "All our final decisions are made in a state of mind that is not going to last." Or maybe: "Happiness is beneficial for the body, but it is grief that develops the powers of the mind." But the mystery remains. Who is Kore, what was she doing, getting stranded by Eugene's island? He can read minds (so can she now), there must be more to her than telemarketing in post-2008 Greece. Is she a spy, maybe? A supremely brilliant hacker who wanted to bring the truth to the world? Whatever the case, she and Eugene are going to cannibalize each other. That is the only type of love I can imagine them having.
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