Please Stand-By! (Elevator Music)
The next episode is in production, so please be a littlebit more patient.
The next episode is going to have a lot of productive content so the making is taking a long time. Which kinda sucks...
But there is also another small issue going on and it has something to do with Mr. Tapastic copyrighty stuff on it. Right now, I've send an e-mail which will give me good or bad news. Let's make that different: It can mean the difference between keeping the current story rolling or making a sharp turn towards a different story. Whatever it is, it's going to happen. So until then, I'll try and finish the next episode around tomorrow and hope I will get an answer by then. Otherwise, I will have to postpone the episode... or if it's a specific kind of news... make a lot of changes, which will be okay... @_@;
(UPDATE: Holy crap! They answer fast. Good News! I'm free to use Mr. Tapastic in the story! So everything is fine!) :D:D:D
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