Living in Dorranza couldn't be more different than what Zahrah knew growing up on lush Aleeria. Not only is life tough on her, but it seems the "Day Star" is haunting her! Find out what happens next in THE DEPARTURE!
Hmm, I just remembered a recent conversation on Tapastic on a comic that used to update just like you by adding pages on episodes previously uploaded. The author decided to stop that and instead have separate pages as in "Chapter X- part1". His main reason was that people checking on mobile in app, do not get notifications on such updates ( I use desktop so I cannot confirm this). Also, the comment section was confusing and fans were more reluctant to comment. As well they can only Like it once whereas in the individual pages system that problem is solved and can express their opinion better.
Hope you don't mind me writing this here but I just thought it might be of use to you, in case you didn't know about it. At least the not getting notifications part seem pretty serious to me.
LUMINARIES updates with a new page every Wednesday.
LUMINARIES is a cosmic epic set in the distant future following the life of a brave Aleerian named Zahrah. She must find the hero inside herself to gather the powerful, ancient Earth beings known as "Luminaries" to aid in her quest. Only then will she be able to fulfill her destiny and stop the destruction of unsuspecting planets from a mysterious, masked entity.
Written by Ricky D. Taylor Jr.
Art by Rosie Sinner
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