"Right. So--"
"Why are you fucking people?"
"Percy. Please, let me talk."
"Mhmh." Percy leaned back against the wooden table. "Go on."
"As an alpha, it's my duty to help the members of my pack and other's, to satisfy their lustfulness and find their way."
Percy was lost for a second. But then looked at him like he lost his mind. "Find their... Watta What?? Why are you suddenly talking like an old man‽"
He scoffed. "I know that sounds weird, but alphas sometimes do help others satisfy their needs if they cannot find someone else. The former alpha passes that "task" to the one to be the alpha after him. But when you do that with other pack's people, it's not my decision either. It's an agreement that was made by the former alphas, not me. I myself do not really understand how it fully works yet."
All the while he was talking and explaining himself, Percy stared at him slack jawed. He finally caught himself though. "I might not know how packs work, but that sounds like total bullshit Enzo!"
Enzo knew Percy was angry. He knew he should've told him everything about the whole thing before. But he was afraid.
"I know, I understand."
"I don't think you do. Just stop using it as an excuse, and say that I'm not enough for you. Just say I can't satisfy you enough and that's why you go around and fool with others." Percy's voice was broken. His mind was starting to be a mess and he couldn't think straight anymore.
^(How can you think straight when you're gay anyway?)
Enzo took a step forward, a hand on his heart. "Hey, that's not it."
"Then what is it!?" He asked desperately.
Enzo took in a deep breath and slowly exhaled the air.
"You see, I agreed to the offer without acknowledging that this thing, might last forever. Or atleast till I'm forever gone."
"You-- You said I might help you stop this. How? What can I do?"
Enzo hesitated for a bit. But seeing the determined look in his eyes made him unable to stop himself.
"In order to drop out from that agreement, we'll need.." He took a very looong pause, making Percy hold his breath for what's to come.
"To mate."
"Wha-- What do you mean? Haven't we already "mated"? I mean, don't you do it through, um... Ya know. What we did."
"No, Percy. Mating needs to be completed by both partners biting eachother's upper trapezius together on the right or left side."
"Wow... Isn't mating forever though?" Percy was definitely not ready for something like that.
"Not necessarily, no. But, if you want the mating to be temporary, only one of the two in the relationship needs to mark their partner. Usually the one who's... on top."
"Oh." Percy breathed a breath of relief. "Btw, the more dominant one, you mean?"
"Well, I didn't want to use that. Cause you're not exactly the picture of submissiviness."
"Maybe not. But you're obviously the more dominant one between us" he smirked.
As the alpha of the pack, Enzo already knew it. But he couldn't stop himself from feeling a bit of pride at those words.
"And where does that mark go?"
"A temporary mark can be all over the UML trapezius area, but stays longer on the upper T."
"What does--"
"U-M-L means; Upper Middle Lower, and T means Trapezius."
"Oh. Is there a certain time you use each for a different purpose?"
"Didn't you ran out of questions already?"
"You owe me."
"You're right" he chuckled.
"So, when you bite or hold the upper T tightly, the person might see stars. And not the good kind. You do not always have to hold it tight to make someone's knees weak though. It is usually used when giving pups their injections, a medicine, or when reprimending them. As you grow older though, you are more immune to it. Meaning it'll affect you less. The middle T is usually used for pleasure. And if it's biting the Upper and Middle T, Mhh.. you'll see the galaxy."
"Sounds.. Promising. What about the lower T though?"
Enzo shrugged. "That's for someone who likes PP, Pain-Pleasure. And the reason I said pain first, is because it's mostly painful rather than pleasureable. But it's everyone and their own kinks. We don't judge."
"So it's like a BDSM thing..?"
"Something like it. Are you into it?"
"Not into the BDSM in the human world. But that all UML T thing sounds.. Exciting."
Enzo looked like he was ready to pin Percy on the bed and give it a go with him.
Percy, sensing something, hastily changed the topic of their conversation. He felt like Enzo needed a few days without the taste of him after what he did. Even though it wasn't his fault, he could've let Percy know about all of this sooner.
So he can... GRRR
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