Chapter 10.
What a strange creature.
Dandara was still asleep, but the man with the golden mask had already transformed back into a human; The mask was in his hands so his face was uncovered showing his red eyes that looked at her in a strange way scrutinizing every movement she made…
Her small breathing, the way her hair was ruffled and how strange this slave was in general, so bringing his face closer to hers his breathing began to wake her up clicking…
She, still sleepy, opened her eyes meeting those red eyes that she was obsessed with in the real world, which made her immediately close her eyes, and the moment she opened them again she found that it had been a mirage because there was only the man with the golden mask in front of her, who upon seeing her told her that she was useless, that she couldn't even do something right because she had fallen asleep, she apologized, but he left slamming the door and leaving her with more questions than answers…
¿What had all that been? ¿Why was her mind suddenly playing a joke on her with her beloved red-eyed man? So she taking advantage of his absence, she left through the same place he had left…
Courage was taking over her body, but she could not move easily because of the shackles on the ankles of both of her feet; so, her steps were like those of a penguin: very short, so wrapping herself in a completely black blanket, she went out and began to walk through the corners of that castle, always close to the stone wall and trying not to look at the different creatures that lived there…
It was then that she realized that she had gone far from where she was originally, and in a confusion they ended up putting her on a giant wheelbarrow with other creatures that would be transported to the mining area to collect some jewels for the next celebration that was about to arrive, where different kings would meet to celebrate the peace alliance.
She looked in amazement at each place, because this was a mirage that she would never see again in her life, suddenly, she heard a creature with a pig face and a human body who was also there, say in a low voice to another who had the face of a reptile that they had found a way to return home and to do so they had to get to the mine first because this was near a spring, since this spring worked as a window to the different realities of each one, which made her interested and approach them asking if that was really true, which made both of them impressed and nodded silently indicating to her in a whisper not to reveal to anyone what they were planning to do
Then, the reptile with his strength broke the shackles on her ankles so that she could walk more freely, but she told him that she could not leave and leave her best friend Lucia in this place because she had to be having a very bad time just like the three of them, which made the trio begin to devise a plan that would take them to the beach castle of the prince of the silver mask to rescue the damsel in distress and escape from this hell ruled by grumpy dragons.
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