Chapter 4.
¿What place is this?
The dizziness of the rain and the air hitting the girls' faces not only reminded them that it was a realistic situation and it was happening, as well as the great blow they felt while falling into a kind of void where they could not touch the ground yet…
All this made both friends not only hug each other seeking to protect themselves, but at the same time take care not to get lost… when at last the ground under their feet received them with a great impact, they heard a lot of noise and people moving around them…
That made both of them slowly open their eyes and realize that it was a strange place that they did not know, so, one of them said to the other: Lucia, what a strange place, ¿did we sign up for a play and we don't know anything?
To which her friend replied: I only remember the air whipping my skin, I couldn't open my eyes, it's like I was flying through the sky, but before they continued talking to each other, a woman who had shackles on her foot told them: move you useless people, you're blocking the way, both friends apologized and gave way to the woman, but they said to each other almost in a whisper: what a good actress, she's immersed in her role as a slave...
Then, they began to ask the people who passed by where the director was; everyone looked at them strangely, and even as if they were crazy, however, a fat man recognized them when he saw them because he was the one who had made them
transported to the past, where he approached them and said: come on girls, don't get lost, I know we didn't have a great landing, but walk, they're waiting in the Great Hall for the missing pieces...
They asked him: excuse me, ¿what are you talking about?, but the man just took both of their hands and practically dragged them to a kind of medieval castle, which looked a lot like Dandara's house, so her friend told her: your parents have rented the property for a construction site, but she told her:
I don't know, let's just go in, upon arriving, they found women and children in the place who looked exactly lost like them, but who spoke different languages, so, communication was difficult for them, who were placed right in the middle of the others as if they were the aforementioned missing pieces...
And almost instantly in front of them, a kind of immense mud room divided by levels was filled with strange creatures that looked anything, but human, and spoke different languages…
In great silence, what seemed to be two humans entered: one with a gold mask and the other with a silver mask, which prevented even seeing his eyes, but their entrance had made even these creatures make a small bow and made way for them…
The friends held hands nervously until the same fat man who had brought them here began to mention in different languages a short introduction of each one, and some creatures began to offer gold coins in exchange for the children and some women in which they were interested…
Little by little the group was diminishing, until the pair of faceless men made a sign and both were taken from the podium, and while he did so, the fat man told them: what happiness for you: one was bought by the king and the other by his sister, so, be brave and do your best work because luck is on your side.
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