Chapter 2.
It's interesting.
The phrase must have been from some unknown author, but it had so much truth in its short words that it must have been a secret philanthropist, and cringing, I tried not to think about it, so I put the burned page of the newspaper in an empty drawer and continued down to the kitchen.
The interior of the Castle was huge, with arched ceilings and rebuilt walls, they had invested a lot of time to remodel it to their liking, however, throughout my childhood I had seen workers and volunteers come in and take wheelbarrows with sand up and down, and some called me little lost princess, maybe, it was because of my copper hair or my striking and beautiful grey eyes…
What was true is that I always wanted to know why the hell they had called me Dandara Merriam, the last name was understandable because it was theirs, but I have never been able to get over the name, I have always heard nicknames like soursop face, cake face, that because the name was not common, however, I learned over time that each name has its essence, and although it may not have a special meaning, it is better not to think too much about it...
There were my parents saying goodbye in a loving way, probably each one would go on their own to the museum or to the small workshop they had
in the city where they taught painting...
Without paying much attention I took the cereal box, but it seemed that this was a new edition or a limited box that I had never seen, because around it there were lines and symbols unknown to me…
And just like with the burned pages of the newspaper that I had saved, the phrase was also at the bottom of the box: if you want it so much it is because it is already yours in the future…
May the magic always accompany you until you reach what you want so much… hell, the writer was surely being promoted, or this was some kind of marketing so that people would buy his books, of course, that was the only thing that crossed my mind although the mirror that was painted on the box was something I hadn't noticed…
¿Where was the tiger or the toucan that always appeared on these cereal boxes? ¿Were the designers not creative these days and only put a mirror as a design?... modern marketing could be rubbish many times...
Throwing myself down on the couch I turned on the TV and began to take spoonfuls of cereal to my mouth as calmly as possible on a normal morning… what more could I want, I had everything: a few parents who loved each other; at 23 years old I was living the dream of every girl in a Castle and life seemed to be good…
I didn't have to worry about anything other than staying alive… ¿what would I work for?, That was just an indicator for society to feel that it had to become stronger, and I was a free soul…
I didn't want to sacrifice my precious years of youth anywhere and much less in anything… that was probably an indicator that my parents had never been abusive and much less restrictive.
They were fine with me coming home safe and sound and doing with my life what I liked; and what I liked most was sleeping and fantasizing about those beautiful red eyes, that picture had to be mine someday.
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