"It's true… Do you still want to fight?" Rei asks.
"Well, only if you admit that I am stronger."
"Tsk. Okay, let's do this. Where do you want to fight?" He asks.
"It could be at level five, I think." There won't be any monsters to disturb us.
I eat my cheese puff, and it's a little warm.
Rei drinks the soup with her eyes closed and her brows furrowed.
"Fine, if you insist. Eight in the morning, in the south elevator of the Dungeon Tower, without fail." Rei says, looking at me.
"Understood, captain." I say.
After we finish eating, we pay for the food, splitting the bill, and head to our homes.
The next day, I wake up at 7:28 am, yesterday I surprisingly managed to sleep well, it must be because of tiring from level 11.
Yesterday, I also took the opportunity to go back to level 10 to complete the quest to kill the bats. This time, I was more careful and tried not to die. I won 85 dungions with this quest.
I get up from bed, I see the city, another beautiful day is starting.
I saw myself as usual. A small leather bag, with supplies, on the hip. A little tight brown pants with knee pads. A black shirt with elbow-length sleeves. And the black and brown glove that has iron parts on the knuckles.
It's the same outfit as the day before. She's still a little damp since I put it in the wash yesterday.
I urgently need more clothes to explore the Dungeon!
Today, we plan to spend the whole day exploring level 11, in addition to fighting, so it's good to have a hearty breakfast.
I get down from my inn and walk the streets looking for a bakery. The street is pretty empty; I hope there's no queue at the bakery.
Heading towards the Dungeon Tower to the east, I passed a bakery and decided to enter it.
It's a small bakery built with dark wood. Construction is done in conjunction with the houses on the side.
I enter the bakery and hear the doorbell slam. The bakery is quite narrow, with a hallway leading to some shelves, along with a staircase leading to the back of the bakery. On my left is a shelf with sweets and some drinks, like juices and beers. To my right, I see a glass counter, very low, made of wood, with bread and various typical bakery foods.
In the distance, I see an old dwarf. He sees me and comes toward me. He wears white clothes and a chef's hat. He is also very muscular.
"Hello, young man, good morning. Can I help you?" The old dwarf says it in a thin voice. His eyes are small; he barely opens his eyes to talk to me. He has a large gray mustache.
"I would like a bread roll with butter, please." I say sympathetically, and I point to the bread on the counter.
Dwarves usually have great physical strength, usually they are blacksmiths or builders. In Houses, they usually serve as support for carrying items in large backpacks.
"May I ask what a young man like you is doing up at this hour?" The gentleman takes the Bread Roll with the handle and puts it in a paper bag.
"Haha, I'm meeting a friend." I say smiling.
"Wow, you are going to do something very important at this time. Five Dungions, please. He sets the paper bag down on the counter.
"We are going to fight." I say with a little embarrassment.
"I'm sorry, I didn't realize it was personal…" He says it with regret.
"No, don't worry, haha. We're just going to train" I open my leather bag, take 5 dungions and leave them on the counter.
"These young people these days..." The old man says as I'm leaving the bakery.
Now that I'm outside, I pick up my bread and take a bite, It's still warm. The good thing about going to the bakery early is that the food is always made at that time.
The sky is still clearing, the clouds are a bit red and orange. Clarity gradually increases.
Most establishments are still opening, employees from different stores clean their stores, waiting for customers later.
I finally make it to the Dungeon Tower and the place is pretty empty, with only a few people in every row.
I go to the south elevator and immediately find Reinier.
Rei wears a white shirt, with a fanny pack around her waist. He wears beige pants, in addition to the sword scabbard that is attached to it.
"You arrived on time." He says as I approach.
"Perfectly calculated."
"Well, shall we? I need to spank you. Rei says.
" Hahaha, let's see." I see he slept well enough to talk like that.
We go down into the dungeon and go to level 5. The dungeon is quite empty. Light Crystals mimic the color of the dawn sky, they are great time guides.
Reinier and I are looking for an open space where we can fight. Find one.
"Okay, I think this is good." I say, looking at the flat lawn.
I distance myself from Rei by a considerable distance.
"Do we really need to do this?" Rei asks.
"Hey, are you going to give up now?" I smirk.
"Forget it, I will destroy you." Rei has a small smile on her face.
I position myself to fight, with both hands closed and close to my face, and with my right foot a little further in front.
Reinier draws his sword and places his hands on it, positioning it forward.
"When I say "already"." I say.
I start counting
"Three, two, one... go!" The battle begins.
Reinier immediately advances towards me at great speed, making several lunges with his sword.
He is fast!!
As he tries to hit me, I go backwards, stepping away and dodging Reinier's blade.
I jump and while I'm in the air, in a short period of time, I make several small water balls that form in the palms of my hands. I throw them towards Rei!
The water balls go towards Rei at high speed; he blocks most balls with his sword, but some still hit him.
While he is still defending himself, I run towards him, make my legs shoot with pressurized water, turn my body counterclockwise, lift my leg, and try to hit Reinier's ribs with my left heel!
At the last moment, Rei manages to use the sword to defend himself. The water pressure is released, generating a huge momentum that causes Reinier to be knocked sideways and fall.
I take advantage of him being on the ground and use the pressurized water on my fists. Then I go towards Rei, jump up, and try to hit him with my fists!
He quickly tries to get up, when my fist goes to hit him, he throws himself backwards, but, taking advantage of the momentum, I attack with my right fist from bottom to top, an uppercut!
He miraculously pulled his head away as my fist landed. My fist even makes a shadow on his face.
However, when I least expect it, his sword begins to be imbued with flames, and with a quick slash, from the bottom up, Reinier brings the sword to my neck. I try to dodge it, but there's no time!
He puts the sword to my neck.
I lost.
Reinier smiles with furrowed brows.
"I won." He says.
"Two-out-of-three series." I step away from the blade.
"Hmph, you are a sore loser." Rei says.
"I was just testing you to see if I could go all out." Well, I would say fifty percent of that is true.
"Okay, it sounds like you like to humiliate yourself; let's go again" Reinier says and walks away.
I take a few steps back, bracing myself again for the collision. This time, I need to be cautious!
I figured I'd better wait for him to attack. In the last round, I let my guard down because I thought I had the upper hand.
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