I confess that it is irritating to have to look up to meet his eyes.
"Come at me, bro." I say smiling.
He stares at me for a few seconds.
"Let's do it after we get out of this." He speaks and starts walking again.
He seems to be strong. What kind of magic does he use?
"How long have you been in the Dungeon Area?" I ask.
"Four days, I just arrived."
He's a complete novice.
But it's surprising that he's already reached this level of the dungeon. Surely, he must have trained before.
Maybe he doesn't even have a House yet, but if he's good, it won't take him long to get into one.
Although, in the ignorant way he is, he will hardly last long in a House.
I have another question: why did he come here? I think it would be much easier to make a living selling products and stuff.
"If I may ask, why did you come here?" I speak.
"I was tired of living a monotonous life in my village. I want to live fighting, not planting wheat." He says it without looking back.
We are alike in some ways, at least. By the way, this is a very stupid reason!
I don't think I can judge him.
We stopped talking for a few minutes to just walk. Until I realize something.
"So, we've been walking for about five minutes; are we walking in circles?" I question.
Although this place is very similar, so far nothing has appeared—not a single fly to say that there is life in this place. Monsters must be very silent.
"I have the same suspicion. I think we should start marking where we go." Reinier says.
I have a much easier and faster idea.
"I have a better idea: We run as fast as we can in a straight line, then we can't go in circles."
He stops walking and turns very slowly towards me with his mouth slightly open and his brows furrowed, as if he's wondering if I really said that.
And yes! I said it.
Suddenly, an explosion is heard coming from the left!
We both automatically turn to the source of the sound.
"What was this!?" Reinier says.
"I'm going to climb a tree to get a better view!" I say this and start climbing a nearby tree.
Climbing up very quickly, I reach the top of the tree. I realized that I'm good at it.
"See anything?" Reinier asks from downstairs.
"Wait a second." I lift my head to see the forest.
This is a really privileged view.
From here, I can have a much wider view; I can see all the peaks of the trees. Down there, the lighting is a little bad, but here everything is visible.
I start looking around, trying to find where this explosion happened. Until a small rumble happens in the northwest.
Looking to the northwest, I see that the trees around the area are moving in an agitated way, as if something is moving.
"Reinier, there!" I point with my finger in the direction the sound came from.
Reinier immediately starts running in a northwesterly direction. I quickly climb down from the tree and run after Reinier.
My guess is that they are adventurers fighting some monster. It might be an opportunity to get out of here!
As we approach, we hear someone screaming, which already proves that at least someone is there.
Reinier and I run to the place until he stops and makes a hand signal for us to stop behind a tree and some bushes.
I approach Reinier's right and finally get a glimpse of what's going on.
A small area with no trees and no bushes—areas like this are rare at this level.
In front of me are six men, four of whom are down.
Why are they down?
In front of these men is a monster known as Celeste Moose.
A moose about eight feet tall (2,4 meters). Dark blue hairs all over the body, the hairs slightly reflect ambient light. A giant black antler on its head. His eyes glow a strong fluorescent blue, looking like he doesn't even have sclera, the white part of the eye, anyone would see the color of those eyes in the dark.
Small light blue magical particles come out of his body when he moves, almost like dust.
Looking at the adventurers, one of them is in front of the moose. Clearly, the man is afraid; he is shaking; he has the sword wielded with both hands, but even so, he cannot stop trembling.
The other four adventurers are passed out; two are lying on the ground next to me and Reinier. The other is unconscious, leaning against a tree.
And there's another man, and this one is standing behind the poor guy who's scared shitless in front of the moose.
Light green hair, with cat ears. Dressed in a gray cape. He is clearly scared and doesn't know what to do.
"Attack that animal! What's your problem, you worthless?!" The man says in a thin, shaky voice.
This scoundrel is ordering the poor guy to attack the moose! It's a coward!
Reinier looks at me.
"We don't need to interfere." He says.
"But this might be a chance for us to get a map!" I say, almost whispering.
"Who says we need to fight the monster?" Reinier looks at the moose, and he is about to attack the man with the sword in his hands. "We wait for the monster to defeat everyone, and when he leaves, we take the map from those guys when they are unconscious." It complements.
"Basically, you want to steal, you crook."
This guy is cold-blooded; there's no denying that!
Reinier has a bit of a point, this monster is C-rank; it's definitely stronger than I'm used to, but I still want to test my capabilities.
"Hey Reinier, did you grab some crystals for lunch today?" I question with a smile.
"Not yet."
"If you help me defeat that animal, I'll buy you lunch today." I speak.
"Hm… Let's do it then." he says.
He changed his mind fast, huh?
At the same moment, the moose attacks with the antlers and throws the man back, who hits a tree and faints.
The moose approaches the last man standing. He slowly walks backwards as the monster also slowly approaches. The monster's steps are heavy, each step makes a low noise while a few particles come out of its body.
The adventurer trips and falls while trying to walk backwards. The monster and the adventurer stare at each other, the man with fear on his face, and the moose with a neutral expression, its deep eyes staring at the adventurer.
I finally step out from behind the tree and take a few steps forward, taking a diagonal left position from the monster. The moose doesn't notice.
"Hey, here!" I yell, getting the monster's attention.
Coming out on my left side, beside me, taking a diagonal position to the monster's right, Reinier comes out with a slightly angry expression.
"We were supposed to catch him by surprise!" Reinier says angry.
I look at Reinier.
"My bad. I thought it was faster that way." Smiling, I say.
I look up and the monster is looking right at me. The man who was sitting, terrified with fear, gets up and starts to run behind a tree at the side.
"Well, now it's no use anymore." Reinier says and draws his sword from its scabbard.
I position myself to fight. With the right fist raised and a little further back, being close to the chin, and the left fist a little further in front.
"Let's surround him from the sides." I speak and start moving around to the moose's right, walking along the side of the monster's body.
Reinier starts to do the same thing, but on the left side.
The monster chooses me and follows me with its eyes, just moving its head. Meanwhile, Reinier is in his blind spot.
Walking a little further, the moose moves, turning its body a little towards me, and in that fraction of a second, I take advantage of it and prepare to attack.
I move my right arm back, preparing to throw a punch. My arm begins to be covered in water up to the elbow, this water begins to form small waves that go backwards to my elbow. This magic consists of making water gain pressure and releasing it all at once when it hits something!
The waves start out moving slowly, but within seconds they speed up, and countless waves form on my right arm.
This magic I named Pressurized Punch!
I don't distance myself a little from him to charge my punch.
The Celeste Moose turns completely towards me. He lowers his head and prepares to attack me with his antlers.
The monster comes running towards me, and I run towards it too. It will be my punch against his antlers!
At the last second, we're about to collide. I slam it down and throw a punch just as his antlers meet my fist. The moose rears its head at the last second, but my fist hits it!
A noise similar to an explosion echoes through the air. The impact noise perhaps traveled for meters and startled even the calmest living soul.
I am thrown back a little with my right arm being lifted upwards. The monster has its head up, it tried to throw me.
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