I feel an unparalleled warmth all over my body, the warmth of the summer sun. Even with my eyes closed, the sunlight bothers me. I turn to the wall to my left, in which the window is located a little higher, hoping that I can sleep again, but it is already late, I wake up.
Opening my eyes, lying on my bed, staring at the wooden ceiling, I remember that I forgot to close the window last night, an unparalleled stupidity equal to the warmth I feel.
Getting up, I see the furniture of my house, or rather, of my bedroom, all of wood, on the left side of my bed is a small bedside table with some newspapers that I have been reading lately.
I look out the window and see the view from the outside. As the apartment I live in is a little higher than the other houses, I can have an elevated view. I can see many houses up to the horizon, cobblestone streets that are not full, but I know that in a few hours they will be crowded. Great walls surround the territory, protecting the city.
Turning my vision forward, at the back of my apartment to my left, I see a small narrow hallway that leads to the exit door, before that hallway, on the next wall, is my wardrobe, and a little further to the left is my bathroom.
I have to change this pajama I'm wearing, it's pretty simple, just a pajama with a shirt and pants with blue stripes.
My plan was to wake up half a day to rest more, since yesterday I explored the dungeon a lot. I hate waking up early, now it must be eight in the morning.
Changing myself, I wear a slightly tight brown pants with knee pads, a black shirt with sleeves that go up to the elbow, two elbow pads for protection, and finally my black and brown gloves in which there are iron parts in the knuckles of the hand, to have a stronger punch. I put on a very simple brown sneaker.
I also have a small leather bag with basic supplies on my hip, in it I have bandages and a small light crystal torch.
Today, I'm going to again pick up some quests in the Adventurers' Guild and go down a few levels of the dungeon.
Before I leave, I'm going to throw some water in my face. My bathroom is very small and simple, has right in front a stone sink with an old mirror leaning between the wall and the sink. Further on, there's my stone toilet and my shower.
I turn on the faucet and throw some water on my face for me to wake up.
Looking in the reflection of the mirror, I see the same face as always, brown eyes, messy black hair, with most of the strands of bangs pointing to the left.
Okay, I think I'm ready.
I go to the door to leave my room and before I open it I have a feeling that I'm forgetting something...
My map!
Well, I don't think it's going to be useful; I don't need it. I never advance to deep levels of the dungeon, so I know a lot about the area I explore.
I open the door and see a long narrow wooden corridor with several other wooden doors, they are the doors of the other residents.
At the end of the corridor there is a staircase that descends to the left, which leads to the entrance of the site.
Coming down the stairs, I see a wooden counter to my left, two employees of the place are talking.
I see a hall made to welcome visitors, a few potted plants here and there. I live in an inn, so this type of room is common.
The two girls who work at the site wear a black vest with a bow tie and underneath a white dress shirt.
"Good morning!" I say, nodding and heading towards the door.
"Good morning, Kaiser!" The two responds at almost the same moment.
I leave the hostel, I pay rent and see a stone street characteristic of the entire region in which I live.
I live in the Southern Region of the Dungeon Area, more precisely, the Southwest Region.
The Dungeon Area is where the Dungeon Tower is located. A long time ago, people started building houses around this giant dungeon, this caused a kingdom without a king to be formed, this is the Dungeon Area.
Many people come to the Dungeon Area, either just to meet, as tourists, or to live here as an adventurer, since the way to make money is simple: explore the dungeon, kill monsters, collect the crystals and sell to the Adventurers' Guild.
Looking east, I see the gigantic tower of the dungeon, measuring about two hundred meters high. This tower is the place where one enters the dungeon. At its base, it has a large open hall where it has an elevator that leads to the first floor of the dungeon.
The tower has two elevators, one that leads up, and one that leads down. The elevator that leads up is the elevator that leads to the hotels, restaurants, etc. While what leads down leads to the dungeon levels.
Now I'm heading towards the Adventurers Guild, I don't know if at this time there any good missions will be, but since I'm here, I have to work.
The tower has hotels, restaurants, museums, and many other attractions, of course for a poor like me, I never came close to climbing the tower, just going down.
I arrived pretty early in the Dungeon Area, but I didn't know it would be so hard to survive here.
I lost my parents early. I don't even remember their faces, it made me go into an orphanage right when I was a kid. I remember that there I read several books about such a dungeon, it made me create a great desire to be an adventurer, this desire became stronger when I discovered that here in the Dungeon Area there are the famous Houses, they are groups of adventurers who gather and dominate territories in the Dungeon Area, as if they were gangs.
Walking down the street, I can see some adventurers, they are probably not from any big house, but they must be affiliated with one. Most wear simple iron armor. They must have woken up early, just like me.
When I was a child, I was enthralled with this part of the world, to this day I am. Until one day I decided to run away and go to the dungeon, in my head I would be a powerful adventurer, and everything would work out. At the time I ran away I was ten, nowadays I am sixteen.
Well, nothing worked out I can say, I live on rent and pretty much all the money I make is to stay alive.
When I was a kid, I had a dream of creating a House with only class S adventurers. I should have thought that no one would make a House with a child, but since I was a dumb child, I faithfully believed that I would make it.
After a few moments of walking and mulling over some memories of the past, I finally arrive at the Adventurers' Guild.
From the outside, the guild is a white house with a large triangle-shaped roof, large windows are placed above the double wooden door, causing sunlight to enter the site. Some people come into the place along with me.
I enter through the already open doors and see the main hall. A large space with a few tables on the right, with some people sitting talking, and at the end of the wall some employees behind counters, on the left has two large blackboards, one for mission and one for contracts.
A staircase on the right leads up to a mini library that is visible above the large all-staff counter. The second floor has some bookshelves and some tables, I can't see very well down here.
I approach to the counter. A young elf with short blonde hair, wearing a black dress shirt with white stripes with a white suspender, and black dress pants, comes towards me.
"Hello, good morning, how can I help?" she asks in a calm voice.
"Good morning, I'd like a mission between level six and ten of the dungeon."
"Wait a minute, I'll try to find it." She immediately starts looking in her drawers that are below her waist.
A few seconds pass and I patiently wait.
"Here!" She exclaims and pulls a paper from the drawer.
She places the paper on the table, a yellowed paper written in black ink.
[Kill 5 Giant Bats and pick up their crystals at level 10.]
[Reward: 85 Dungions]
Dungions is the currency used in the Dungeon Area. About the mission, it is a good reward, each monster of Rank D gives fifteen Dungions, the reward gives ten more extra Dungions.
"Good, it could be this." I speak.
She picks up a stamp and marks it on the sheet. The stamp is the face of a dragon seen from the front.
"You need to sign the sheet; it can be anywhere." She says and hands me a black pen.
Signing with a random scribble that came into my mind at that instant, the girl says:
"Okay, you can do the mission now, good luck!" She responds with a small smile.
I take the paper and leave the guild; the place now seems to be a little more crowded.
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