Should he talk to Luna about it?
At the moment, his feelings were just too raw! Maybe he could manage it later.
Dusty would probably be back at the Cafe this morning! Seeing him again so soon, might be unsettling.
He could just hide in the kitchen!
Dusty hadn't recognized him. He was pretty sure of that!
He looked different now, to last night!
Under the stars, he absorbed Star-light. He knew he glowed silver then.
But in daylight, his skin looked normal. Maybe a little pale, but nothing too strange! And his hair in daylight, looked more blond than silver.
It was just his eyes, that could give him away! They shone a bright silver. And when he was feeling a strong emotion, they sparkled. He had always worn, his dark glasses, anytime he might be seen. It was only when he was alone, with Luna, or when he was in the ocean at night, that he dared to take them off.
Dusty had been curious about his eyes yesterday in the Cafe, but had he really noticed? Would he put Two and Two together?
After last night, Star was sure, it was only a matter of time.
As Luna, prepared the Cafe for the day, she thought about Millie. She wanted to see her again. Could she get Millie back to the Cafe today?
But how was she to manage it? All she had was a phone number! Oh, and Dusty her employer.
Would Dusty be in today? Could he help in any way?
She would just begin the day, and see if anything came to mind.
Dusty had arrived at 9am as usual, and gone to sit outside, choosing a sunny spot as the day had a slight chill.
Had they talked to Miranda yesterday? Had everything been sorted with his account?
The pretty owner, bought over his Latte with a smile! A small this time! Good!
He returned her smile, and opened his book!
Luna watched him, as he looked at a page, and waited! And waited! It seemed as if time had stood still, because 5 minutes later he still hadn't turned a page, or taken a sip of his coffee. Interesting!
He must have something on his mind!
Luna had always enjoyed watching people. Especially when they were alone like this. Sometimes she wished she had Stars gift, then she could find out what was going on in their minds.
No! There were times when Star, didn't consider it a gift, but a burden.
She would just have to rely on her intuition, and a bit of Detective work!
She turned to wipe down the counter, and noticed Star leaning against the Kitchen Door, watching the same person. Curious! Star was watching Dusty? And what was that look on Star's face? Longing? What?
Star noticed Luna, then. A questioning look on her face! He ducked back into the kitchen.
This was not good. He had wanted to stay hidden from Dusty. But he couldn't help wanting to see him! Then the more he looked at Dusty, the more he wanted to be near him! Just looking at that cute boy, made his heart race!
He sighed and lent against the bench top.
You could just offer him a slice of cake! - Luna smiled knowingly.
Star jumped.
I know you want to! - She coaxed.
She shrugged with a smile. - Just a suggestion!
Should he? Even if Dusty didn't recognize him, at least he could be close for a minute.
Cutting a slice of Coconut sponge, he added a dollop of cream to the side of the plate.
Nervous he carried it out to Dusty's table, placing it next to his coffee.
Dusty looked at the cake. He didn't order this!
Should Star say something? Somehow he just couldn't seem to stop himself!
I thought you might like it! - Star held his breath, and waited for a reaction.
Huh? Dusty's eyes flew upwards! Stunned! Confused! He studied the new owner who stood next to him. Brows furrowed! Star? The face was similar, but he looked different!
OK! Star let out his breath. Dusty was still processing, but it was working! He slowly raised his glasses!
Dusty gasped! As recognition hit him! It was Star!
Sorry to give you a fright!
Dusty held a hand up to his pounding heart! - You almost gave me a heart attack!
Sorry, I just wanted to see you. Let you know I am here, if you need anything!
Dusty smiled! Thank you, and Thank you for the cake!
My pleasure! I need to get back to work! - Star smiled, turned and strode back to the Kitchen.
Luna had seen her brother's smile. And looking over at Dusty, she could see his lingering smile too. She grinned! It seemed her brother, was keeping something from her.
Dusty scooped up some cake, and tasted! Delicious! Star worked here! He could see him every time he came in! Suddenly his future seemed brighter! He grinned!
It didn't hurt to ask! Luna wandered into the Kitchen, where Star was washing pans.
MMm! - He looked up!
Do you know where Dusty lives?
Um yes! Why?
Do you know that Millie, lives with him?
Really? - That was news to him.
She is his carer!
Oh! - he nodded, that made sense. - And you want to know where Millie lives? - He smiled.
Well, yes!
Star dried his hands, and placed a hand on Luna's shoulder! - Sis! You will never guess!
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