It was almost one after we finished our drinks and desserts. Without any warning, all the four of them stood up almost at the same time, which was kinda creepy to be honest
'Come on, Parker' Eddie called, ushering me towards the kitchen. 'We need to start cooking and baking. All the other workers already started so, let's go help them'
' "You can watch but beware to touch." That's our motto' Fabian said and the others laughed. I smiled at the sentence. Sounded funny the way it rhymes but obviously it was intentional. They like to rhyme sentences I see
'There.' Eddie pointed at a chair, somewhere that would probably won't bother the others. 'Go sit and if you need anything, just ask'
'Okay' I nodded, sitting down. I could feel other's stares on me and it made me feel uncomfortable. Luckily, someone noticed
'Quit watching, guys! You're making the kid feel uncomfortable.' Boss Eddie came to the rescue. The workers quickly looked away, muttering their apologies
After almost an hour, where I watched the workers work incredibly fast, there was the sound of a bell, notifying that someone just came in
'Our first costumer of the day guys' Eddie cheered. 'You know what to do'
Fabian and Devin went to welcome the costumer and take his order. A few minutes later Fabian came back
'Grilled cheese, two pancakes with syrup maple and berries, with sweet salad on the side and soda, medium cup'
After his words, everything was done way too fast for me to follow. The batter of the pancake was already made so all they needed to do was pour it on the pan, wait, flip the pancake, and wait again before taking it out. But I'm sure that's hard, for me, at least
The doorbell rang again, and again as more costumers kept entering through the door. It made me nervous, I couldn't help thinking about someone familiar coming here. Like, someone from my school. Or someone else. I mean, I knew they wouldn't be entering here but I was still nervous
'Buddy' Eddie's voice startled me back into reality. 'What's wrong? You look a little pale' he felt my forehead with the back of his hand. 'Are you sick or something?' He asked warmly
'I'm just... a little nervous' I admitted. He tilted his head, making a silly, pouty face
'Why won't you go up and rest?' he offered. I immediately nodded. 'Can you manage?' He asked and I nodded once again. I said a little goodbye to Clyde and left. I'll probably see Fabian and Devin later. They're too busy right now with taking orders I guess
I wasn't wrong. I almost gasped seeing how many people there were. Too many too count that's for sure. Especially from my height. A few people just ordered takeaways and left, probably not wanting to drown in sea of people
I was about to make my way upstairs, there weren't almost any people at all there, it was more of a private area and it pretty much looked like that, in a way
Something bothered me though, I felt like I was being watched and my gut screamed at me to run back to Eddie and just stay there. But I didn't listen
After another glance around, I went upstairs a little too fast I almost tripped, entered through the door and closed it. I thought about locking it but, there was no lock. Dang it! It probably needed a key
I breathed slowly, trying to calm down and tell myself I'm just being paranoid and there's nothing wrong. But my gut never lied. So why would it now
Eventually I decided to get out through the back door and take a breath. So, standing up from the bed, I made my way to the door I was pretty familiar with, and opened it, just as I heard the front door open as well
Parker is a boy. Just a teenage boy.
But despite being 'just a teenage boy',
he experienced some things in life that
most teenage boys don't. After being kind of
kicked out of his house, he stumbled upon a
restaurant. Staying in the dark alley through
the night might've been scary, but it was the
best decision of his life that lead him to people
who made him feel belong.
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