The kitchen was so big and pretty, but unlike the rest of the restaurant, it had tiles of ceramic on the floor and walls. It probably was for more comfort while washing the floor, something they most definitely do everyday
Eddie filled me a cup of water I gulped down fast. 'Careful' he chuckled. 'Do you want a smoothie?'
'Yes!' I answered. Of course
'Well that was fast' he laughed
'Come, tell me what you want' he said as he plugged the machine in after giving it a light wash and getting a few main ingredients like milk and something I can choose, like berries, chocolates and more
I chose bananas, dates, a few kinds of raisins, red and blue berries, some white and brown chocolates and I stopped to think about what more I can add inside
'Oh wow' Eddie laughed. 'That is the most colorful and varied smoothie I've ever saw' he held another fruit and my eyes widened a bit. 'Strawberry?' He asked, holding the piece above the container
'No!' I yelled, making him remove his hand from where it was. 'I'm sorry' I whispered. 'I didn't mean to yell.' I could feel my eyes stinging a bit, telling me the tears are coming
'Hey, no, shh. It's okay. It's alright. It is completely okay if you do not like strawberries' he smiled gently
'It's not that I don't like them. I'm allergic to them' I said in almost a whisper but I guess he heard me since he gasped. 'Oh, shoot! Seriously? Is it bad?'
I shook my head. 'Not much. I won't die but, it will be very hard to breath' I explained, looking at my hands that were on the counter
'Oh, I'm glad to know it's not awful but it is still bad. You, we,' he fixed himself, 'need to be more careful' he kissed the top of my head. 'Let me wash my hands and clean up a bit so we can keep working on your shake, alrighty. Oh and, is there anything else your allergic to?' He asked, looking into my eyes
'No' I shook my head and he nodded, looking relieved. Does life count though?
He ate the strawberry and put the container inside the fridge, wiped the counter and washed his hands. After my smoothie was ready, we made our way back to the others and took our seats once again
'Went to drink water, came back with a monster' Devin smiled
'Ouuu. What about us?' Fabian asked. I smiled, sliding the shake towards him. He slid it back. 'I was kidding' he smiled
'You can taste' I slid it back towards him
'Okay' he said, taking a mini spoon from a container on the table and taking a scoop out of the shake. 'Oh wow, that's good' he said, his eyes a little too wide. 'What did you put in?'
'Too many stuff to remember' Eddie laughed but I listed them one by one, leaving him gaping. 'Oh wow, I did not think you were going to remember that' he admitted
'Good for us' Fabian laughed
'Oh, and guys?' Eddie caught their attention. 'The kid's allergic to strawberries, mild to severe, be careful' he warned them. They all went 'ou' and 'oh' and 'uh.' I found their reactions funny
Smiling, I slid the shake towards Devin and he looked too intrigued to know what it tastes like so he didn't reject it and took a spoon as well. 'Yeah, you're right' he agreed after tasting if himself. I smiled and slid the shake towards Clyde next
He laughed. 'What is it? A group taste?' But he, too, took a spoon and tasted it. 'Okay, yeah, it is good. Next time you should make enough smoothie to all of us as well' he said. I nodded with an 'okay'
Next, I took a spoon and put it in the shake, sliding it towards Eddie. I was met with a pout. 'Why am I the last?' He pouted
'Cause you're the best' I giggled
'Aw, my, world!' He gasped. 'Thank youuu' he hugged me tightly
'Calm down, babe, you're suffocating the kid' Clyde said and the three of them laughed
'Don't be jealous, honey. I promise I'll suffocate you later' he winked at him. The four of them burst into laughters while I kept drinking my smoothie
Parker is a boy. Just a teenage boy.
But despite being 'just a teenage boy',
he experienced some things in life that
most teenage boys don't. After being kind of
kicked out of his house, he stumbled upon a
restaurant. Staying in the dark alley through
the night might've been scary, but it was the
best decision of his life that lead him to people
who made him feel belong.
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