(No hate comments to Enzo, please).
His beloved alpha was banging someone against the table. Hard. That someone had his back towards the alpha, arched. Loud moans were escaping his mouth while the alpha was tightly holding his nape.
Percy thought he was dreaming. He hoped he was dreaming. He didn't know what to do if he wasn't.
But as he kept standing there, he realized everything was real.
But he knew it already. He just didn't want to admit it to himself.
The alpha suddenly turned, his hips ceased their movement when he saw him.
The man under him tried to crane his neck back so he could see what's going on and why the alpha stopped pleasuring him. But Enzo's fingers still held him tightly in place.
The pain in Percy's eyes was so obvious. He could see it straight through him like he was transparent. Percy thought that it was enough to make Enzo end this and explain everything to him in that moment.
But what did he do? He just turned his back on Percy and continued his movements. Harder and more frantic ones this time like he was trying to get it over with as fast as he could while growling like an animal. As ironic as that sounds.
Percy turned his back and walked away. He was hurt. He was devastated. He wanted to get back there and make the alpha get down on his knees and ask for forgiveness.
Whether it would be by his own will or not, it didn't matter.
He made his way back to the house and entered the garden. He settled down on the cool, nice grass. His eyes itched and his nose tickled. He knew what was coming but he won't allow it. Now wasn't the right time.
"Hey!" Called a cheerfull voice.
He sniffed and blinked to make sure the tears in the corners of his eyes would disappear before looking up at Davin and Craig as they approached him.
Even in the darkness, Davin instantly noticed his friend's expression and knew something was wrong. He took a seat beside Percy and held his hands.
"Spill the beans, Bean."
"I can't spill the beans if I, myself, don't even know what is going on." Percy's voice wavered and Davin slightly tightened his hold around his hands. His own expression confused.
"Whatdyumean? What happened? Should I hit someone?"
"No, leave that to me."
"Ou yes. I love your thinkin girl."
Craig was watching and listening on to their conversation. He had an idea about what was wrong. "Is it something about Enzo?"
Percy's head shot up, his expression suddenly desperate. "What do you know?"
"Not much. But I do not agree with it."
"Can you--"
"Percy." The alpha slowly made his way to their group, giving his beta a chiding look and a slight reveal of teeth, a warning.
Craig lowered his head in a form of apologetic, respectful nod.
Percy's expression turned grim.
"Enzo" he said venomously.
Davin got spooked. "Dude. Didn't know you have it in you. Scary."
The alpha sighed. "I'd like to talk to you. Please."
"Nuh. I don't really want to talk to a traitor."
"Percy, I--"
"A player."
"Listen to--"
"You talk about loyalty and trust, and you do that?! Do you think it's a game? Do you think I'm some kind of a character in a game that has no feelings?" He laughed to himself, finding this situation ridiculous. "I wish it was like that. You can stab me in the back, literally, and not do that. Cause that shit hurts way more, alright."
"I hate this as much as you do, I swear. If you'll let me explain, maybe you'll even manage to help me."
Percy scoffed. "What can a mere were-human do that the Alpha can not?"
"Believe me when I tell you you can do a lot more than you give yourself credit for. I promise."
The alpha looked desperate while saying those words that Percy was taken aback.
"Wait a freaking second! Now, can the three of you, or one of you, tell me about what da hell is going on?"
"The almighty great alpha is fucking people behind our backs. Behind my back."
GASP. "How dare he?" He growled. He turned his head to face the alpha and glared at him. "How dare you?! You hurt my friend, you hurt me!"
The alpha closed his eyes and took a long, deep breath. "Percy.. Can you please not inform the whole universe about that? I just told you I wanted to talk to you about what's going on."
Percy internally rolled his eyes. "Kay."
They both made their way into the house and towards Enzo's room. They entered through the door and Enzo silently closed it behind them. When he turned around, Percy was standing infront of him, looking like he was ready to bite someone's hand off.
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