They shared some experiences about their lives, and talked about some of their future plans.
And today, the alpha invited some of his friends over. And in all honesty, it made Percy a little nervous from a reason he didn't even know.
But now they are after their first meeting with eachother. Luckily, everything went well.
"So, Percy, tell about how you and Enzo are doing." He had some kind of a hint in his voice that made Percy get butterflies when he remembered their nights together.
The man, Marcus, was in his late twenties going to thirty. He was a nice man. In both ways.
But Percy had only eyes for his alpha.
Which now that he thinks about it, he didn't seen him for atleast two hours if not more.
"Um.. We're doing great actually. Something like, 'love from first sight'."
The man smirked. "Is that so?"
"What about you? Do you have someone?"
The man suddenly looked beaming.
"Hell yeah. The most beautiful creature to ever walk this earth. He is beautiful. In, and out. He has a heart of gold."
"Wow. You really love him."
"I adore every molecule of his body."
"Okay, now I really want to meet him."
"Oh, you will. I have no doubt you will. He loves meeting new people. Although he might be a bit shy at first. But he gets over it super quickly."
Percy smiled. Then he remembered someone. "Where's Enzo by the way? I haven't seen him for like the last three hours."
"I can go look for him if you'd like" the man suggested. Though he didn't wait for an answer and was already on his feet.
"Oh no, no. I'm good, don't worry!" He yelled as he started to run.
"Wait, Percy!"
But Percy already was too far.
Maybe he should've listened to Marcus and not go looking after Enzo.
Cause right now, standing infront of the slightly ajar door, he wished he could unsee what he saw.
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