Finn stood frozen outside the elevator, stunned at the face he had just seen.
Was it really Jason?
Surely his mind wasn't playing tricks, was it?
If it was, it was a cruel trick!
He had spent 8 years trying to forget that face, and for the last few years it had become easier.
The face he had remembered, was much younger. Flushed from whatever school sport they had been playing, freckled, a scattering of acne, a beaming smile! A face that was plain, and nothing special to anyone else. But to him it had been the face, of an Angel.
This new face was more mature, sculpted jaw line, clear skin. No longer plain, but still somehow the same.
He let the anger seep back in now.
I hope he limps on that foot, all day!
Taking a breath, he turned and headed off to deliver the files.
Jason sat at the desk in his office, rubbing his sore foot, and frowning!
He had given Finn a fright, he knew. He probably deserved, the pain he was in now.
If I had of said something, anything, maybe things wouldn't have started out like this!
8 years ago, things had ended between them, before it had had a chance to get started.
His stupid words had ruined everything, why had he done that?
He had had no way of knowing that his words would be misunderstood.
If he had known, he would have kept his mouth shut!
Instead he had lost his chance!
He placed his head in his hands, at the memory! The pain came flooding back!
His Heart had broken that night!
And he had never seen Finn again, until today.
Had Finn forgiven him? Probably not!
Should he try to explain?
Would Finn listen?
Just seeing him again, like this, had made his Heart race. What did it mean?
His Heart had recognized Finn, and started to beat faster of its own accord.
It had never done that with anyone else, in all these years.
He had forgotten the feeling.
Did second chances really exist?
Suddenly he was determined to find out!
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