Murakami woke up shattered. She had an anxious dream, she woke up periodically, apparently agitated by the video she had watched the day before, so it was not surprising that she dreamed of Asia, who caressed herself with her fingers, passionately shouting her name.
- I'm completely crazy, - Murakami muttered and patted her cheeks. She took her cell phone and checked what time it was. Thank the universe, they didn't have their first couple in college today. To her great surprise, she had two unread messages. From a Kitty! In the first, the cutie just thanked and wished good night yesterday at the eleventh hour, and the second was sent literally half an hour ago.
- Good morning! Have a nice day to you! Are you coming to class at the club today?
The girl was surprised, but then she remembered how they absurdly collided in the shower at the club — it is clear that Murakami did not come there just to wash herself. I wonder if she writes that she will come, and then Asia will look into the hall for beginners? Murakami bit her lip. She tapped her fingers on the keyboard.
- I went to bed early yesterday. And good morning to you and have a nice day. Yes, I will come.
Asia grabbed the phone and a big smile spread across her face.
- Heh heh heh!
Who would have known that a simple reply to her message would cause her such joy? Moreover, they will see each other again at the club today! She was looking forward to the evening, going about her daily business.
Murakami excitedly entered the club, a three—story bright building with a large signboard depicting a red dragon in a circle. Quickly changing her clothes, she went to the great hall. Involuntarily, she gave him a quick glance. It is expected that there was no Asia. Only beginners. So the Kitty meant that they would just cross paths in the locker room? Well, that's even better. Murakami shook her head, not wanting to let disappointment into her heart.
- Hey, don't get distracted! – said the tall man with black hair and eyes whom Murakami saw last time, - you have a clear talent, so focus on training!
Murakami smiled inwardly. What kind of talent is there when it's just hard training for life and death? She would have just died if she hadn't learned how to do what she knows how to do. Erie would have really killed her.
- Now try to work in a bunch, - the instructor's voice was heard nearby, - Dita, come here!
And Murakami was paired with a strong girl. She looked at Murakami with a look full of doubt.
- Look, I'm not going to hit you hard, okay?
- Why? - Murakami was surprised in response, - I'm tougher than you think.
Dita suddenly lowered her voice:
- No, you don't understand. I don't want to strain myself, but I don't want to get pussy from Jouyan either…
Murakami couldn't help but laugh a little. They have exactly the same worldview with this girl!
- Okay, I totally agree with you, - she smiled and took a stance.
Asia hurried with the guys along the upper open floor to another hall.
- We've recruited a lot of newcomers this month! - someone said, and Asia involuntarily glanced into the hall and froze when she saw the familiar red-maroon hair.
- What do you mean?! It's not even seven yet! – she was stunned, leaning over the railing, - why have they already started?!
- What do you mean? - Derek was surprised, - The schedule has been changed, now these groups are engaged earlier.
- What?! I didn't know! - Asia was indignant and glared at her goddess and the girl they were sparring with, and smiled at each other. Asia was struck by lightning. This brazen wench dares to seduce her goddess?!
And Asia quickly jumped over the railing, caught on the beams and ran down the ledges, moving like a lynx on a tree.
- Teacher! - she announced her sudden appearance loudly, - I want to compete with the newcomer!
Jouyan was stunned, staring at his niece:
- What are you doing here?!
Asia rubbed her hands in anticipation, her eyes were burning:
- I want to teach a little lesson to our new students! Don't worry, I won't hit hard! So!
And her gaze fell on a sturdy girl who was standing in a bunch with Murakami.
Exchanging blows as lazily as possible, Murakami and Dita understood each other in half a word and both were already ready to finish this nonsense, when suddenly a ringing and demanding female voice was heard. Murakami gasped when she saw Asia, who for some reason was walking from the side of the wall, in which there were no doors at all. They met! This fact filled Murakami's heart with joy. However, Asia didn't really look at Murakami, but for some reason she stared at Dita, clearly wanting a fight with her. Murakami felt sad. Although, why, because they barely know each other? Meanwhile, Dita turned white.
- I don't want to fight her.… I won't get my teeth together later... - she muttered, clearly frantically thinking how to get out of this situation and taking a step back. Murakami looked at Dita with interest, and glanced at Asia approaching them. In general, she had a not entirely pleasant feeling that the Kitty was not looking at her, but at another girl. And she wanted to capture all her attention so that the Kitty would not be distracted by other people. Murakami shook her head again, pushing away the unwanted thoughts. Anyway, she needs to save Dita.
- Teacher! - Murakami suddenly said, taking a step forward, - I would be grateful if I could become a partner of a more experienced student. Let me participate in the sparring.
Well, if it's impossible to attract Asia's attention in other ways, then at least this way. And, moreover, she was really interested. It had been a long time since she had participated in such a thing! And she stared expectantly at Asia, who was very surprised by the substitution.
Asia was somewhat confused when she realized that her goddess wanted to spar with her. For a second, she was terrified—what if she hit her too hard?! Would she hurt her?! And the next thing she knew, she was wildly interested. She was still thinking about it when Murakami helped her take down Derek. Or does excellent knowledge of theory not imply excellent practice? And when her goddess looked at her with her gray eyes so intently and expectantly, she could only nod, unable to look away.
They bowed to each other.
- Don't hold back, - Murakami suddenly mouthed with a half-smile, looking straight at her. And she took a stand. Asia's heart was pounding in her chest. She was afraid to hit too hard, but she couldn't resist her goddess's desire either. It is expected that the first blow turned out to be sluggish. Murakami clicked her tongue.
Murakami is used to fighting those who are stronger than her. However, Asia was too confused, and it seemed to bother her that Murakami was a "beginner". But because of fear, it was impossible to have fun, to feel the excitement. Murakami didn't really like these emotions, but she understood them if she was caught up in them. And she knew why Asia's eyes were so bright and there was a slight smile on her face when she sparred with her comrades. And now she absolutely did not like the way the Kitty was fighting, running away more than attacking. Is Murakami made of glass, and will he immediately break if he gets even one blow? It was annoying. And she couldn't stand it.
Asia didn't understand how it happened. Is this taught in elementary courses?! Murakami's fist flew within a millimeter of her face, it took her breath away!
- Asia, - she suddenly said imperiously and demanding, clearly repelling her attack, - I told you not to hold back. Are you playing with me?
Asia jumped back for a moment, her face flushed. What kind of wild excitement and pleasure is this?! And how the hell could her goddess fight her on equal terms?! It was so exciting! And Asia herself did not notice how she began to smile rapaciously, wanting to break through the protection of her goddess. And she rushed into battle.
- Hey, stop! Enough! - Jouyan shouted, quickly getting into their fight, - that's it! Stop it! Do you want all the newbies to run away from us out of terror?! It was impossible to just move a couple of demonstrative punches and disperse, why did you arrange a real fight?!
- Oh, what? - Asia muttered, who was being dragged away by Derek, - what are you climbing for? We are!.. With my goddess!..
- Let's go to training already, grandpa will kill us! - Derek shouted in displeasure, drowning out her words, - you know he doesn't like us to be late! Why did you come here so suddenly to break down?!
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