Eventually, Sebastian went to sleep, only to enter a world full of nightmares.
A tall shadowy monster covered in a familiar purple fog chased him in a dark room. before he knew it he fell on something sharp. The shadowy creature stood above him, it looked like the monster was growing taller than the monster pointed a gun at him and said, "Well isn't it nice to see you again, too bad you have to die now."
He woke up and tossed blue bed sheets on the floor, his hand banged on an empty hard table. A sour look appeared on his face in the dark as he remembered his phone was in his locker which was in the school that unfortunately burned down in the inferno.
Bye phone, it's been a good six months he thought to himself. Sitting up he heard the boisterous howling wind outside, daring anyone to go outside, something banged on the window which Sebastian assumed was the Christmas ornament he hung out his window, it was from the last Christmas he spent with his father. Turning on a small lamp in the shape of a frog, the whole room was lit by a dim yellow light.
He grabbed a small black clock from the gray end table, the clock was an analog clock, but Sebastian didn't know it worked. It could have been 4:25 or 4:30 in the morning. Either way, it was dark so it was at least night unless someone stole the sun cursing into eternal darkness.
Wondering why he even bought the darn clock, he grabbed the stolen notebook from under his pillow. Catching a strange smell, he held the end of his shirt and smelled it, the shirt stunk of smoke and sweat. Opening his dresser, he clutched a teal long-sleeve shirt along with a white short-sleeved shirt. He layered the two and changed into new pants.Moving his head sideways he took a glance of himself from the round mirror. His short black hair was messier than normal, and his blue eyes looked exhausted. He looked away from the mirror and contemplated.
Why was the math teacher suddenly a bloodthirsty monster? Sebastian remembered him in class, he was a quaint old man who surrounded himself with those who had the same viewpoints as him.
All of them undoubtedly did not include murdering innocent students and government conspiracy. He always seemed to be undemonstrative and pedantic.
He would stand over the teacher's desk,his back hunched over like a vulture as he stared at the misfits.His hands jittered around his cane, perhaps he was waiting to pull out his gun, and shoot down those annoying brats once and for all. However, the most peculiar thing about the math teacher that stood out in Sebastian's memory was that he seemingly knew Sebastian. Of course, he knew Sebastian, he was his student after all, but the way he would stand over the doorways,his face always covered in shadow as he looked down at Sebastian leaving the room,greeting him goodbye. "Goodbye Mr Miller,Have a good day."
It was a normal thing to say,but the way he'd say the name Miller was like he was forcing him to spit out the words,chewing them out like a wad of gum,spitting them up at Sebastian's head.Like he was a familiar pest, road kill laid out on the street for a couple of weeks and you just want to get rid of it but you don't want anyone catching you do it.
Sebastian looked around his darkening room,he had to shake that theory away and think of reality.He knew from his therapist this was just his brain trying to cope with the fact the awful math teacher killed his best friend and Will.Your brain wants to latch on the what if's,and create a bigger enemy,that the world is all against you and only you.
He turned to leave his room, and upon opening the door he heard the voices of his mother and stepfather, opening the door a crack he could see they were both walking out of Nora's bedroom. Which was only ten steps from his door, Sebastian quickly closed the door and pressed his ear on the door. He could barely make out his mother's whispers, however, his step-father's booming voice could be heard clear as day.
"I'm serious Anemone, I am going to put that boy in a boarding school," spoke his stepfather. His mother gasped. "But he'll be so far away anything could happen to him. "
His stepfather stomped closer to the door. Sebastian held his breath in case he could hear it.
"He is going to have to grow up sometime Anemone! I was out of the house when I was his age, supporting myself."
The voices became quieter and a door slammed closed, assuming they were in their room, Sebastian crept out of his room clutching the notebook to his chest.
He wants me gone! He thought to himself. His stepfather was planning to kick him out of the house the same way he did to his older brother. His jaws clenched as he stared at the dark hallway.
Sebastian made his way into the kitchen, opening the fridge he grabbed bags of flavored chips and a water bottle, and he made sure to not slam the fridge open. Darting his head in the direction of his mother's and stepfather's bedroom, it seemed he didn't make any noise.
He tip-toed to the front door and put on his shoes. As he was lacing up his left shoe Nora started to cry as if she picked up on his scent like a bloodhound and was alarming his mother that he was sneaking out. Hastily he picked up his stuff and ran out the front door.
The front door clicked behind him, and he outed the elevator and took the stairs instead, the elevator might have been a quicker way out but it also would cause quite the noise. Trotting along the clacking marble, he did not attempt to make his movements stealthily. Sebastian reached the glass doors, it was supposed to be locked with the big dark brown doors, however, the management of the apartments made no effort to close them, who was going to break into buildings these days with a million cameras watching them?
Leaving the apartments he was free from anyone going; "Now young man, what are you doing out and about in this hour?" Well, that's what he thought.
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