To only see it wasnt Rain.
But instead it was Rhinmon,his ex-girlfriend,and the rumor starter.
“Sebstaian it's so lovely to see you again! I just missed you!” she said in a soft tone. She had long blond hair that draped over her blue and yellow sweater. She turned her head and looked at his mom . “Thank you Mrs Descoteaux for the lovely food.”
On the table was potato salad and slices of irish stew pie on plates next to every chair. Sebastian awkwardly picked up his food and sat on a chair that was some distance away from Rhinmon.
Rhinmon was a snake, she would pretend to be nice to you but when she finds out you can’t help her achieve her goals she will tear you down.
His mother smiled,”Thank you Rhinmon, so why did you come by on short notice? “
Rhinmon shrugged “Oh you know,the fire. I was so scared to go home so I came here!”
The step-father smiled gently“ Of course a little girl like you must be terrified , so how have you been? “
Sebastian started to pick at his food,he felt like he had no appetite .Rhinmon laughed. “oh you know , school , I've been trying to convince my boyfriend to be in the m.p.s he is a football player you know, he would do great for the field!”
Giancarlo smiled “ The m.p.s force is a very difficult job, few consider it.”
Rhinmon replied “Oh I agree I would have considered the field for myself but I doubt a woman is great for that kind of hard-labor.”
Giancarlo shrugged, “Who knows, maybe you can be the first woman in the job.”
Sebastian was taking a sip of water as his step father said this, he started to choke on his drink .
His mother got up from her chair and patted his back , Giancarlo stared at Sebastian as if he was doing something rude.
As Sebastain stopped coughing , Giancarlo asked “ Do you have anything to say."
Sebastian shook his head , “Sorry I drank too fast.”
There were women working in M.P.S or properly known, The magical protection services. The service did not protect magic, it protected mankind from magic. Giancarlo must have been too self-centered in his little group to take notice of his co-workers.
Giancarlo stared at Sebastians plate “Stop picking at your food and eat.” Sebastian placed his fork down. “ Sorry I guess with all the excitement I haven't been all that hungry.”
Giancarlo interrupted “ Nonsense , no son of mine should be a coward . Now eat.
Sebastian rolled his eyes and looked at Rhinmon “Hey so why did you lie that I got you drunk.”
Rhinmon gasp “Really?! You know I’d never say anything like that.Somebody is just desbrite for rumors, it's highschool,Sebastian get over it.”
Sebastian rolled his eyes, “Yeah just highschool,Well tell you boyfriend to leave me alone.”
Rhinmon smiled “Ohh I see you’re jealous.Move on already.” She laughed
Sebastian tightened his grip on his fork “What! No that isn't it why would I be jealous you're the one who chea-nevermind.”
Sebastain looked at his mom , “Could I be excused?" His mother told him he could leave.
As he left the kitchen he could hear Rhinmon say, “Sebastian is still a big baby as always.” He left to his bedroom before he could hear more of the conversation.
He turned off his lamp and sat on his bed, he could feel his guilt eating him alive. It was his fault Noah and Will were dead wasn't it? Maybe if he never followed the teachers nobody would have followed them as well. Sebastian layed down on his bed and wondered if he could actually go to sleep. Then he remembered that thing the shrink told him when his father died. “Write down all your thoughts and you’ll feel better.” Or something like that. It sounded dumb at the time, after all how was a piece of dead tree guts supposed to bring his father back. He still thought it was dumb but it might let him sleep at night. He turned over and opened the drawer at his end table. He grabbed a yellow memo pad and a random pen and started to write down;
Dear stupid piece of paper,
I killed my best friend. Rhinmon is still on her bull-
He frowned and crumbled up the paper,throwing it on the floor. He flipped back in bed and wondered if he would finally sleep.
Or maybe he will finally wake up from this terrible nightmare.
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