The teachers rushed out a ladder where sunlight was poking out two teachers went back in the basement collecting more stuff. The blonde kid ran to Sebastian
"Hey! What are you doing? They could see you," Sebastion shrugged
"So what."
" So what? Are you crazy? They will spot us, who knows what!"
Sebastian smiled “Their teachers, what can they do? Give us detention?"
The kid laughed. "you're crazy," Sebastian shrugged, while Noah was keeping quiet and trying to see what the heck the teachers were doing.
"Did you hear something?" A voice said nearby.
The kids stared at each other. The blonde kid panicky looked around, in a dark corner was a huge crate. It was near a table with stuff on top of it. There was also a single water bottle on the table. The blonde kid tugged on Sebastian's arm pointing at the crate and making a ducking motion with his arm. Sebastian ran to the crate, jumping inside and Noah followed him.The blonde kid sat beside the crate.Two teachers walked past the crate.
" You're probably imagining things Langa," Spoke to the older teacher they followed. The younger teacher sighed "you're probably right. '' He picked up a computer off the table, wires were still plugged on the outlet and laid on the ground.
As the teacher went to move, his shaking hand made him slip the computer which bumped into the water bottle with his elbow. The water bottle fell to the ground, spilling the water on the floor. "Oh darn it ."
The teacher placed the computer back on the table, he leaned down to grab the water bottle to see inside the crate and see Sebastion peering at him.The teacher pointed his hand at Sebastian and Noah " you." he took a deep breath as his hand started to shake even more "You stay here, I'll help you leave just stay right."
Sebatsian and Noah looked at each other like oh crap.
This was much bigger than they had ever imagined.
"Langa, what's taking so long ." The teacher looked up, pushing his red hair out of his face."Nothing, just drop a water bottle, that's all," the blonde kid looked in the crate, "we should go now."
Noah jumped out the crate, Sebastian was about to get out of the crate when the second teacher cried out
"Students grab them you fool!” The older teacher grabbed a gun from his pocket and started shooting at the crates Sebastian jumped off the crate to be grabbed by the blonde kid. They ran into a supply cabinet full of mops, buckets, anything a janitor may need as a backup.
The blonde kid clapped his hands together “Okay the teachers are nuts and want to kill us.”
Sebastian sat down on the floor and placed his hand on his chest in which he felt his speeding heart "perhaps something illegal? " he suggested
Noah slapped himself in the head, “It’s like spy gear, top secret government stuff, man if Charlie was here he would have millions of theories about it. “ he laughed “Remember how he said that the teachers were secretly turning the students into aliens, maybe that's it.”
Sebastian shrugged.
The bigger kid replied. "Yes probably but what could be so illegal that they would hurt students? I don't think it's government related, the government is too good to bother with students." Sebastian thought of the answer thinking back to what is the most illegal thing in the whole country.
He spoke out loud his answer. "Perhaps it's something to do with magic, why else keep it hush-hush. "
"Yes! That has to be it. ``Noah said a bit too loudly, Sebastian covered Noah's mouth and pointed a finger to his own mouth with his spare hand
“Be quiet you moron, what do you think… Kid whose name I don’t know.” Sebastian gestured to the blonde kid
''Will, my name is Will. It does make sense. Why is it so secretive but what are they doing that's so magical? What I can see is its technology based. Maybe the teachers are hackers or something to do with money?"
Teachers walked near the closet. "What do we do when we find the students ?" the teacher with a shaky voice asked.
"We make them quiet, " said the old teacher with a booming voice. Langa the redhead teacher made a whimpering sound. “But they don't know anything. I mean they can live can’t they? They're so young.”
“They know enough to be a nuisance.”
Sebastian looked out from a crack of the closet door, wondering if he could find something that would help them escape. He could see the older teacher seemed to look more military trained than a redhead. He stood properly with his head pointed high, and clearly a gun in his hand. The gun seemed to have a name printed on the handle but he couldn't make out what it was.
It slightly reminded him of his father, and how he would act at his job.
The redhead teacher was holding his arms and barely made an attempt to look for them, it looked like the teacher was almost as old as the three of them.
The older teacher turned his head looking at the closet. "Ah, now I know where our little rats are." he made eye contact with Sebastian.
Sebastian gasped and closed the door “They know where we are.” he said.
Will grabbed Sebastian's arm. "You two run, I'll slow them down, get out of here."
Sebastian went to speak "Don't try to argue me I'm bigger than you, don't worry I'll follow you out.''
"Now who is the crazy one?" He replied.
The boys ran out of the closet, Sebastian and Noah ran towards the ladder, Will to the teachers picking up a box as he did so. Sebastian noticed a small notebook with green leather on the table that seemed to glow in the blue light.He stopped for a moment to pick it up.
"Sebastian, look out!' yelled Will.
He turned his head to see the older teacher with a bloody nose and the redhead teacher was on the ground with a red puddle on the floor. The older teacher was pointing a gun at Sebastian. Sebastian's mind went blank with horror. He stood there like a deer in front of headlights.
Will made a face that could be read as " seriously".
“Ah, Miller. Nice to meet you again, too bad I must kill you now." The older teacher said he pulled the trigger on his gun.
Noah pushed Sebastian out of the way and the bullet went towards Noah. Noah fell to the ground and wouldn't get up. Sebastian felt like he couldn't breathe “ This isn't real.” He muttered , it couldn't be real, he didn't just see his best friend get shot, no this has to be a bad dream caused by bad sushi or something.
Will ran off towards the older man yelling to Sebastian "Run, you fool." Sebastian snapped out of it and ran to the ladder, he started to climb up the ladder ignoring all the sounds that he heard.
As he was at the top of the ladder he took a curious glance and saw the older teacher push Will against a table. Will fell to the ground covered in water and started to violently shake.
The older teacher pulled out his gun pointing it at Will and fired at him. Sebastian felt his eyes water as he looked away. The older teacher watched Sebastian climb up with a cruel smile. “Run while you still can Miller, but I will find you and I will kill you.”
Touching the grass with his hands, his tears dropped to his cheeks he stood up, Sebastian looked at the horizon he saw two big trucks driving off into the city he started to run before he could even have a thought.
Sebastian ran far away to a farm. There was a huge hole in the blue fencing, made of electrical rods, it was a smart a.i that only responded to the farmer. The fencing was so blue you couldn't even see the smoke from the school.
He sat down next to a blooming cherry tree. He kneeled his head on his knees and wept. The notebook that traveled along with him finally escaped him.
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