The history teacher looked like someone had rained on his parade.
Students scrambled out of their seats, pushing and shoving each other out of the narrow doorway and heading outside to safety and some, in their desperation tried to jump out of the windows before getting pulled away.
Sebastian looked around at the classroom, he tried to calm his breathing and remember the fire drill which was pretty hard with the students screaming it looked like they forgot about the drill themselves.
He dashed out from his desk and ran out of the classroom to only be greeted by students shrieking at the door and someone pushing him to the ground. He could feel a goose egg forming at his head as he stood up.
"I'm never going to get the end of this when I get back home." He grumbled. Sebastian attempted to follow students around to find the staircase but most of them were either running into different classrooms or attempting to leap out the windows. The teachers called out to students to follow them, even grabbing them. A teacher, one with lengthy hair, patterned dresses, including circular glasses sprinted to Sebastian, seizing him by the arm. With raw panic in her voice, she yelled
"What are you doing lounging around, boy! Can't you see there is a fire! "
Sebastian let out an immediate "Yes," The teacher let go of his arm, running off to stop a student from beating a student with a chair.
Sebastian’s eyes darted left to right, fearing if he closed his eyes for a second he would be hit with a chair. He trailed to the staircase, followed by his more seemingly sane classmates. He could see hundreds of bodies gathered together trying to escape the fiery school building.
"So that's why everyone is trying to jump to their deaths." He stated to himself. Sebastian was weighed down by dread, the fires could reach the staircase and burn everyone alive, he turned back striving to find a faster way out of the school,he hoped he could probably invent something that would send people out of the window saver, when the bigger kid from lunch stood above him looking menacingly at him.
"Going somewhere?"
He shoved Sebastian against a girl with mousy brownish hair, the girl spun around to see Sebastian trying to get up from the floor next to her.
"Ew creep!" She hollowed going as far and stepped on Sebastian's hand, the bigger kid laughing at the sight. When Sebastian got up he noticed that the smoke was thickening,
“Great..” he mumbled.
Eventually, after what felt like hours of walking, Sebastian made it to the second floor relieved that the fire didn't spread to the staircase. A girl covered in flames raced down the hall past Sebastian, he wanted to help her but didn't know how. It punched him in the gut knowing how unhelpful he was in this situation, a dreadful question popped into his mind. What if Noah and Charlie didn't survive? He shook this thought out of his head as his survival mattered at the moment. More students were jumping out the windows, the teachers were dashing out the hall's dragging each other away from helping the students.
Out of nowhere, he could hear someone shouting his name.
“Hey Sebastian what are you just doing just walking there, you crazy.” Sebastian turned around and saw Noah running towards him, he grinned “ Noah! You’re not dead!”
Noah looked confused “ Dead? Why would I be dead?”
“ Uh nevermind."Sebastian watched the teachers and noticed that the teachers were walking the same way.
“ What the? ” He questioned,
“ Hey Noah, come see this .” Noah looked at the teachers
“Uh okay ? They are probably looking for students who got trapped or stuff.”.
“You’re probably right but isn't it strange how they aren't helping out the students who are jumping out of windows?”
Noah gasped “ They must know a secret way out!”
Sebastian tilted his head “ But why are they going by themselves?”
They followed the teacher's path. “ How peculiar.."
Sebastian muttered as he noticed they were going into the hallway, he felt a hand on his shoulder,
“ Hey Noah, is there something wrong? Why are you touching my shoulder?" Noah looked confused.
“Uh dude, I’m not touching you. That's weird.”
Sebastian widened his eyes, maybe the person who started the fire found them or maybe it was a teacher. He turned his hand to see the disturbing kid staring at him.
" Um hi?" Sebastian nervously spoke. The kid patted his hand on Sebastian's shoulder.
“Sup. So did the famous genus Sebastian figure something out?” He looked at the teachers “Ooh something with the teachers perhaps?”
Sebastian felt uncomfortable by this kid's attitude. Like he was suggesting something dangerous but he couldn’t pinpoint what.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” he lied
The disturbed kid smiled and grabbed Noah by the arm “Oh? Then I suppose you don’t know what I’m talking about when I say I’m going to throw your friend in the fire.”
Noah looked even more confused “What?! No, don't throw me in the fire!”
Sebastian clenched his fists tightly “Let him go. I’ll tell you okay.”
The kid smirked and let Noah go
“We are following the teachers because we suspect they’ve found a different way out. Although we don’t know why they aren't taking student’s with them or that it is certain.”
The kid laughed “Oh wow you are smart. Okay then let's go.”
Sebastian went to say something insulting to him, when a screech disrupted both their thoughts reminding them they are in a burning building. They followed a tall old teacher down a corridor, passing several classrooms as they wandered down the hallway. It seemed as if the fire and smoke were increasing. The teacher entered the chemistry room, which was full of flames.
Sebastian and the blonde kid glanced at each other as they walked into the smoking room. Noah raised his eyes
“ Hey get back here, are you really going to run into fire?!”
Sebatsian waved to Noah to come over to them
“ Come on.” he whispered loudly
Noah sighed “ If you die Sebatsian, I am going to replace you because your mama is going to be so sad, she’ll be like oh my poor Sebastian why did he die in the fire why didn't he listen to his awesome friend and she will give me your room.”
The blonde kid groaned “Tell your whiny friend to shut up nerd.”
Noah gasped “Whiny?!”
As they entered the class, they could see the teacher disappearing into a normally locked closet, all the desks were pushed to the side burning to a crisp next to the tables was some burned-up object. Sebastian could recall sitting in class, hearing how no students were allowed in the closet as it was full of dangerous chemicals and how it wasn't the school's fault if they got injured. Sebastian always thought it was the school's way of getting out of a lawsuit. They walked into the metal closet.
There weren't any so-called chemicals inside, on the doors, there were empty light brown shelves on the sides. In the middle were metal stairs, you couldn't see the bottom of the stairs, only dim yellow lights.
"So this is what the teachers are hiding." The kid announced
Sebastian muttered, "yeah I guess?"
He started to walk down the metal stairs, the stairs creaked as he walked, he noticed the stairs seemed to curve,
"HEY!" Called out, the blonde kid Sebastian turned around.
"Yes?" The kid stepped on the first step.
"You think I'm going to let some nerd be the first one out of this inferno? HA!"Noah was looking out the door to see if anyone was following them.
Sebastian rolled his eyes.
"And you are? " He pointed his hand at the blond kid. "Some outcast kid who found his chance to finally be superior over something, sorry I could care less ." Sebastian continued to walk down the stairs.
"You are as inferior as the rest of us. You should just keep quiet all day and let people bully you. Because nobody cares who you are. I mean look at me, I go to this school everyday ignoring people like you, pretending they are so superior, everyone here thinks I am so smart because of my grades but truthly I’m worried sick that I’ll never know what killed my dad, heck I’ll probably never be like them. If he was here he’d probably be out of this mess already. My brother would have even."
“Great story. Don’t care.” The blond kid huffed
Noah sighed, “ Please don’t fight with a fire trying to kill us.”
The kid slowly walked behind him and Noah closed the metal closet following behind. Walls were normal school white brick, deeper they went, the walls turned to cobblestone with holes in the walls that looked like ancient lights hung there with bits of wires sticking out of its sides.
The kid walked up to Sebastian. " We must be down in the basement about now. " Sebastian replied " Probably." The teens reached the basement, Sebastian jumped off the stairs. The basement smelled like smoke and mildew. There was a bit of flame in the roof pipes that traveled their way underground, lots of wires traveling down to dim blue light, along with cut wires, voices talking to each other quietly near the light.
Sebastian walked towards the blue light the closer he got he could see the outlines of teachers grabbing crates, boxes, and anything that was on four white plastic tables. Noah followed him and whispered “ What the heck?”
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