"What the hell is she thinking?" Kara muttered to herself as she felt the heat of bodies pressed against her, sweat dripping from her face as she made her way through the tightly packed dance floor. She could feel the energy as if a force was drawing every person in, captivating them with its intensity. The music moved faster and faster, swaying the dancers in its trance-like rhythm. Kara felt like she was stuck in a dream or a nightmare as someone yanked on her arm, trying to get her to join them on the dance floor. People around her jumped into wild dance moves, their limbs flailing, nearly knocking her over more than once. Finally, after what felt like an eternity of pushing and shoving, Kara broke through the sea of people to get to the VIP section.
The security guard stepped in front of her, towering over her with a menacing glare. "This area is off limits," he said gruffly. "It's for special guests only."
Kara raised an eyebrow, frustration boiling beneath her skin. "I'm not here to party," she snapped, irritation seeping into her voice.
The guard looked her up and down, his expression skeptical. "That's apparent. How did you even get in?"
Kara felt insulted but quickly composed herself. Once again, she grabbed the edge of her jacket and pulled it aside to reveal her badge. The guard studied it before nodding and stepping aside, granting her access.
Alyssa hadn't seen Kara enter the area yet, but she was soon aware of her presence when Kara marched directly up to her and grasped her arm tightly. The sudden force caused Alyssa’s grip on the tray of drinks to slip away, the drinks crashing to the ground and soaking the plush carpet.
A voice, high-pitched like a tea kettle about to whistle, cut through the air. "Hey! Someone is going to have to pay for that!"
The man Alyssa was serving stood to his feet. He towered over Kara, a veritable Goliath in his bespoke suit that exuded wealth and sophistication. The threads were so fine and expertly tailored to his tall frame that they seemed more like liquid than fabric. His jacket alone was worth more than most people’s rent. Made from the finest materials money could buy, it hugged his broad shoulders perfectly and fell in elegant folds. The vest and tie peeking out from under the blazer were equally luxurious and gave him an aristocratic air. It was as if he’d been plucked straight off the pages of Forbes Magazine and dropped into Immortal.
Kara couldn't look away from his piercing green eyes. They seemed to draw her in, calm her, and simultaneously send strange tingles up her spine. His teeth shined brightly as he spoke, his deep voice rolling like the waves of an incoming storm. “What is the meaning of this?” he said. "Let this girl go. You need to leave now. You are not wanted here." Unable to respond, Kara continued to stand frozen, mesmerized by him.
His words echoed loudly in her head as though they were meant only for her ears. She felt a strange, tingly sensation inside her body like an invisible cord was tying her to his every word. Goosebumps rose on her skin as she felt an unknown spark course through her veins, beckoning her to obey his command. But, a part of her stayed rooted to the spot, refusing to budge despite feeling herself slowly dissipating into nothing. "This girl needs to come with me," she said, holding up her badge as if to emphasize the statement.
The man looked closely at Kara's badge, his eyebrows furrowed. Despite his curiosity, he didn't move or challenge her authority. Alyssa felt her sister's fingers clamp down painfully on her arm as the older woman dragged her out of the club and into the thick, pulsating atmosphere of the dance floor.
The air was filled with a mixture of sweat, smoke, and the intoxicating scent of spilled drinks. Bodies pressed against them like a wave crashing on the shore, the relentless beat of the music reverberating in their chests. Kara maneuvered through the writhing crowd, her grip tight on Alyssa’s arm, determined to keep her sister close. Every sway and twist felt like a challenge, and Alyssa could feel her heart racing, partly from the proximity of strangers and partly from the weight of the confrontation they had just left behind.
Once they emerged outside, Alyssa argued, “What the hell was all that about? I was trying to work,” she pulled furiously at her captive limb in an effort to free herself. “That guy who told you to leave is a very important person if you didn't notice. I might lose my job now!" The realization of what was at stake seemed to crush the air from Alyssa's lungs, and her face grew pale with fear.
Kara was lost for words. Alyssa seemed like her life was about to end instead of her job. This was no longer the same girl she had known since childhood. This was some strange imposter who hung out with creepy people in bad places, “I’ve warned you about this place before. It's way too dangerous for you to be here at all, much less work here!" Kara said, whipping Alyssa around to face her. Her voice was so loud that it echoed back through the alleyway. She released her grip and stepped back, "I can see the effect that these people are having on you already. You're coming home with me right now, and I forbid you to ever set foot in this club again!"
Alyssa's laughter tinkled, but beneath it was a layer of seriousness. She crossed her arms and squared her shoulders, her face challenging. “Forbid me? It’s just a club, relax. I'm old enough to take care of myself now."
"Obviously not, if you have to work here to earn cash," she said. Her voice was low, tight with tension. “Also,” she continued, “could you please explain to me where you have been living for the past year since I know you haven't been living in the apartments on campus?”
Alyssa's mouth opened wide, and her eyebrows rose in disbelief. She felt a hint of anger mixed with embarrassment. "You're tracking me down like the criminals you chase, now?" Her words came out more accusatory than she intended.
Kara's voice echoed out in the silence of the alleyway as she yelled, "Seems I have to!" She wanted to find a gentler way to talk to her sister about this without resorting to anger, but as soon as she found Alyssa in that club, her fury boiled over. Her arms snapped across her chest, and she felt rage nestle itself into every muscle in her body.
“It's not like that,” Kara replied, feeling her own temper flare. “I was worried about you! I stopped by the campus housing, and they mentioned that you haven’t been living in the student apartments. That’s how I know!”
Alyssa frowned, the initial shock shifting to anger and embarrassment. “So you just went snooping around to find out what I’ve been up to?”
Kara held her gaze steady, refusing to back down. “You think I’d just sit back and let you drift into this world without saying anything? You’re my sister, Alyssa! I care about you! But this—this isn’t just about the club. You’re involved with people who could get you hurt.”
Alyssa rolled her eyes, the defiance in her posture still present. “I can handle myself. You don’t know anything about my life! Just because you wear a badge doesn’t make you my protector. I’m not a child anymore!”
Kara took a step forward, urgency bleeding into her voice. “And you think working here makes you an adult? Look around! This place is dangerous. I don’t want you to become just another lost soul in a city full of shadows.”
Alyssa’s resolve faltered for a moment, uncertainty flickering in her eyes, but she quickly masked it. “You don’t understand the people I work with. They’re not all bad. I just wanted to make some money, to be independent.”
“Independent?” Kara repeated, her voice rising slightly. “Working in a place like this? You’re putting yourself in harm's way for what—a couple of extra dollars? You have no idea what could happen here! You’ve seen the news, right?”
Alyssa mirrored Kara, her arms crossed tightly over her chest. “I’m not leaving until you tell me why this club is so dangerous," she demanded.
There was a stifling pause as Kara and Alyssa stared at each other, their eyes locked in an uneasy balance of understanding and mistrust. Kara's throat felt dry, and her lips parched with the words she desperately wanted to communicate. She remembered how her suspicions had begun, the little things she'd noticed that didn't quite add up. She took in a deep breath, ready to share her knowledge, even though it would change everything if Alyssa didn't believe her. "This is going to sound crazy," she said slowly, her voice trembling slightly, "but I think Immortal is run by vampires."
Alyssa's face registered shock, her eyes widening, and her mouth agape. "You know about vampires?" she asked in disbelief.
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