Mancini’s heavy-soled boots clanged against the chainlink fence, and every kick of his leg caused it to shudder and vibrate. He easily scaled the barrier but knew it wouldn’t impair Kara’s pursuit. He could hear her behind him, climbing just as quickly and panting with exertion. She constantly gained ground with a grace that only came from years of experience.
Kara knew the city like the back of her hand, taking turns down narrow side streets and alleyways that wound around the block. She took a left turn into an alley as he continued straight. The sound of Mancini’s shoes against the pavement grew softer in the distance as she veered off his path. His breathing was labored from running multiple blocks, but he didn’t realize that Kara had anticipated his escape route. Little did he know she was already sprinting towards him from another direction, propelled by her adrenaline-fueled fury. Showing remarkable agility, she jumped forward and executed a perfect clothesline, sending Mancini sprawling across the gravel. He briefly scrambled to get back up but hesitated upon seeing Kara’s finger hovering over the trigger of the gun pointed in his direction.
Sweat glistened on her forehead as she squinted in the bright sunlight, the gold of her badge twinkling. Her voice hardened as she commanded, “Where do you think you’re going?”
Kara’s eyes widened as Mancini suddenly rose from the ground. With a powerful swing of her arm, the pistol crashed into his face with a sickening thud, erupting in an explosion of bone and flesh. A hideous cry escaped from his lips as scarlet droplets spattered onto the floor, and he collapsed in agony, clutching his broken nose.
Kara slid her gun back into the holster with a click and a satisfied smirk, “Look what you made me do,” she said, her voice cold.
Kara gazed down at Mancini with both incredulity and disdain. He lay on the asphalt, his dark eyes wide and full of anguish, his body curled up in pain as he clasped his nose with both hands. He looked nothing like the hardened criminal she knew him to be, appearing more fragile than a newborn kitten. She remembered a time when she would’ve felt empathy for the sight before her, but such emotion was abandoned after years of experience in law enforcement. It had toughened her, and no matter how pitiful he might appear, he was still guilty of many heinous acts and deserved no empathy from her.
She dropped to one knee, reciting his Miranda rights in a booming voice, and then snapped the cold metal handcuffs around his wrists. He thrashed against her grip, but still, she pulled at his heavy, limp arms, trying to raise him from the ground into a standing position. Blood dripped from his nose, forming a small pool on the ground. Tears welled in the corners of his eyes, but it still didn’t force sympathy from her.
Her eyes met his briefly with indifference before turning away, sending a silent message. Crying won’t help you now, sweetie, she thought.
Kara’s heart skipped a beat as she heard heavy boots crunching gravel behind her. Instinctively, her hand flew to her gun while she whirled around. At the exact moment, Grant rounded the corner, his hazel eyes wide and face flushed with exertion. Relief washed over Kara as she realized it was just her partner.
Grant’s eyes flashed with reassurance, a familiar expression she had seen countless times before. His face was lined with age and experience but still held some of the same boyish charm from when they first met, years ago. She released her grip on her pistol, still feeling the adrenaline coursing through her veins. He may still see her as the young, inexperienced officer who needed his help, but she knew better than anyone how much she had grown and accomplished since then. One day, he would see that too. “Good to see you’re okay, Grant,” she said while keeping her eyes locked on their suspect. “Could you give me a hand escorting Mr. Mancini to the police van?”
The trio marched back in a tense silence, the only sound Mancini’s groans of pain and humiliation that filled the air. Grant stepped up to the police van and opened the back door wide. With a firm grip on his shoulder, he eased Mancini down to sit beside his colleague in the jacket. “Watch your head now, sir,” Grant said with a patronizing smirk. “I don’t think you need any more injuries today.” He shut the door, leaving Mancini to stew in his shame. With a chuckle, he watched as the van slowly pulled away before approaching Kara.
She stood by the passenger’s side door, illuminated in a dull blue glow from her phone. Her lips pursed, and her eyes glistened as she mulled over whatever was on the screen. Grant watched as a variety of emotions crossed over her face—sadness, anger, and frustration, all before she heaved a heavy sigh. He knew what was bothering her but decided to leave it be for now. He cleared his throat and slid into the driver’s seat. “So, are we going to book these creeps or what?” he asked, adjusting the rear view mirror before turning on the ignition.
Kara reluctantly put away her phone. She opened the creaky passenger door, wincing as it groaned in protest, reminding herself to get it fixed. She slipped into her seat with a slow exhale, glancing at Grant before finally speaking. “I haven’t heard from Alyssa for two weeks now, and I’m starting to worry.” Her shoulders slumped forward in defeat as she released her tight ponytail and ran her fingers through her tangle of white-blonde hair until it fell loosely around her face in a wild mess. Something she only did when something truly worried her.
Grant paused midair before reaching out to comfort her. He knew Kara was fiercely independent and had difficulty accepting help, so he pulled back. It pained him to see her like this, so struggling to lighten the mood, Grant offered a small joke, “The girl’s in college… she’s probably just studying, or, you know, having a good time. You should think about trying it yourself.” His voice was soft and tender, though the attempt at humor fell flat.
“She used to call me every day,” she said, her voice shaking with anxiety. “I’m just worried about her.”
“That’s natural. We all worry about the people we care about from time to time, but you’ve got to ease up a bit. I’m sure she’s all right. Now, let’s get these guys booked and get on with our day. Whattaya say?” He smiled at her, speaking softly as he tried to break her trance.
His kindness was just enough to cause the corner of Kara’s mouth to curl up in response. She felt some tension in her shoulders ease as she met his gaze and let out a breathy laugh. After a few moments, she nodded slowly and reached for her seatbelt. She clicked it into place with a definitive snap, then turned to her partner and said, “You’re right. Let’s go finish this arrest.”
As the police van rattled down the familiar streets, the hum of the engine and the scent of worn leather settled Kara into a state of focused determination. She could feel the adrenaline from the chase still coursing through her veins, a pulse that reminded her of the intensity of the moment. The chatter on the police radio buzzed in the background, a mix of calls and updates that faded into a white noise she’d grown accustomed to. But her thoughts lingered on Alyssa, who was supposed to be studying, but was now far too silent.
“Have you checked her social media?” Grant asked, breaking the silence. He glanced at her, concern etching his features.
Kara shook her head. “I don’t want to invade her privacy. She’s an adult, after all.” The words tasted bitter on her tongue. It was the principle of respect she had always upheld, but with each passing day of silence from Alyssa, that principle felt more like a chain binding her to anxiety.
“I get that,” Grant replied, “But if something were wrong, wouldn’t you want to know?”
Kara inhaled sharply, the idea settling in her chest. “Yeah, but I don’t want to jump to conclusions. I just… I don’t know. It’s not like her.”
“Then maybe it’s time to change your approach. If you can’t get in touch, consider going to see her.”
Kara considered this. “You think so?”
“Absolutely,” Grant said, his tone encouraging. “You’re her sister. Go check on her.” He glanced at her again before returning his focus to the road, his hazel eyes serious. “And if she’s not in trouble, you’ll feel better just seeing her.”
Kara nodded slowly, his words striking a chord deep within her. “I’ll do that,” she promised herself more than him. She needed to see Alyssa’s face, to hear her laugh again, to know she was okay. “But first, let’s finish up with Mancini.”
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