'Good morning, little man' he chuckled. 'Hey, wakey wakey. Clyde went to the store to buy you some clothes and returned not long ago. So come on, time for you to get up' he rubbed my back
I stretched and hummed again, slowly waking up. Hearing I have clothes that will fit me better, sounded really good. I looked at the watch to see it was ten. Nice hour to be awake at but honestly, I prefer twelve, at least
After a few minutes of waking up, Eddie finally managed to drag me out of the bed and into the bathroom where I changed out of the oversized clothes into the much better fit ones
When I stepped out of the bathroom he smiled. 'Great fit. Though, you still look adorable' he cooed and I rolled my eyes. He gasped. 'Dontchu roll your eyes at me, young man' he tickled my sides and I laughed, running away from him. I jumped onto the bed and picked up a pillow, smirking at him
He lifted his hands up to his sides. 'Okay, alright. You won' he laughed. 'Come on, let's go down to get some food before we open, alrighty?' He asked enthusiastically. It did sound like an experience actually so I nodded
Though, I wondered how they didn't open yet, considering the morning was drifting towards the afternoon
'Isn't it late?' I asked. He tilted his head to the side with a questioning look on his face. 'It's ten but dontchu open early?' I elaborated
'Oh. On saturdays we open at one so we have plenty of time for all of us' he smiled and ruffled my hair
'Oh, okay' I mumbled, nodding in understanding
'Let's go and freshen up'
After washing our faces and brushing our teeth, we went down the stairs and I gaped at the place. It was big and beautiful. The floor, and walls were made out of wood. It was basically a shop and a house together
'Pretty' I gasped out in awe
'I know, right' he ruffled my hair once again and I smiled. 'Is all of it yours?' I asked, looking around with wide eyes
'Yep' he laughed. 'It was, well, still is my home. I just made a few changes to make it a restaurant but made sure it still felt homie' he explained, a look of adoration was painted across his face as he looked at his home. He was right. It did felt 'homie'
I looked behind me when I heard familiar voices. The guys were there. Clyde, Fabian and Devin. They were sitting at the farthest table, calling us to come
'Morning buddy' Clyde ruffled my hair. 'I see the clothes fit good, you like them?'
'Yeah. Thank you' I smiled sincerely
'You're very welcome' he smiled back. 'Come here' he tapped the spot on the bench next to him. I slid in and Eddie took the spot beside me
'Good morning, kid' Devin smiled, elbowing his friend's ribs
'Ow... Good morning, umm... kid, I mean, Parker' he smiled sheepishly. I couldn't help but laugh at his words
'Good morning to you too, Kids' I mocked them. Jokingly, of course. They all laughed
'Good one' Clyde laughed, sipping his coffee. It reminded me that I am thirsty, actually. I looked up at Eddie, he tilted his head, waiting for me to ask my question
'Can I go drink water?' I asked
'Of course' he answered immediately, standing up from his seat so I could get out. 'Let me show you the way' he smiled
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