In the shattered world after an unknown apocalypse, humanity clings to survival in the sprawling City of Eden—a last bastion and the dawn of a new era. The planet, forever changed, has birthed a rare and powerful mutation: psychics, humans capable of bending reality to their will.
As the number of psychics grows, so does the fear among ordinary citizens. Unease spreads over the widening chasm of power, and whispers circulate that the very organizations meant to safeguard humanity might have hidden agendas.
But for Amar, a young psychic and streetwise survivor, these fears are secondary. His sole focus is finding his missing brother, who vanished without a trace. With the help of his ragtag group of friends, Amar dives into Eden’s dark underbelly. Their search drags them deeper into the city’s conflicts, and as they unravel its secrets, they come face-to-face with the truth behind what it means to be a psychic.