"The Moon War" occurred, at the same time, a moon magic expert named "Prospero" appeared, He appeared with his daughter named"Miranda",At that time Prospero and Miranda was searching for the sacred objects of the king Uranus during that time Prospero found"Magic book" that can be drawn and the things that are drawn will actually appear
Prospero:Huh, what the fuck is this?
Miranda:Dad, I think it's a sacred item because there are a lot of sacred items of the king Uranus here but it's not what we're looking for
Prospero:.......... Hey!! Alonso Come look at this. What the Fuck is this?
Miranda:Dad!! He didn't come with us
After Prospero he picked up the magic book, he didn’t know what to do, so he tried experimenting. How to use it?
Prospero:Okay, I'm going to draw "Canis Major"
Canis Major Appear
Miranda:Dad!! This is so beautiful and awesome
Prospero:So, does that mean, it's true, or is this "one of the king Uranus's sacred items"?
Trinculo:Hey!! Prospero This is a letter from Alonso
Prospero:What The Fuck Alonso
To Prospero
this Alonso Have you found the King Uranus's sacred item yet? I happen to need it, but right now I'm in the Moon War, so I'll leave it with Trinculo
From Alonso
Prospero Write a letter
Prospero:Hey!! Trinculo Send this letter to Alonso
Trinculo:Okay Prospero
Miranda:Dad!! Can I go home first?
Prospero:yes, no problem
Miranda traveled home alone
Prospero:Okay, let's try again
Prospero he tried to re-draw a picture of a sprite in the form of a turkey
Prospero:Come out......but what should you name yourself? Oh!! I know, so your name is "Ariel"
Ariel Appear
Ariel:Wow!!......Wait a minute, who am I?
Prospero:Hey!!Ariel you are the turkey sprite
Ariel:Turkey sprite? What the fuck this is?
Prospero: ha ha ha ha ha yes
Ariel:What the fuck!!I'm a turkey? That's crazy
Prospero:I don't see anything crazy about it
Ariel:Are you crazy? idiot, I'm a sprite who has the shape of a turkey, Are you hungry?
Prospero:Hmm... I got the model from my own daughter
Ariel:Is your daughter a turkey?
Ariel:um....okay But why did you create me?
Prospero:Hmm... I just wanted to try it out. But you're not the first star to be born. The constellation Canis Major was born before you
Orion:What The Fuck!! stupid dog!! Don't bite my dick
Prospero:Oh my god what this is
Orion:Hey!! Are you the creator of the stupid dog?
Orion:Did you create something that bites my dick,idiot?
Later, Canis Major bit and scratched Orion wildly, then violently tore Orion apart
Prospero:Oh!! Fuck This is so violent, I can't accept it
Ariel:So....are you going to create the Canis Major?
Prospero:I just wanted to try drawing from a magic book that my daughter and I discovered
Ariel:Hmm... what should I do?
Prospero:Hey!!Ariel what are your abilities?
Ariel:My abilities? Hmm... I was born from this book,Why don't you write down my abilities for me?
Prospero:Okay Ariel
Ariel:Let's see
Prospero:Then can you call the betting table for me?
Ariel call out the betting table
Prospero:Wow!! Then let's gamble
Ariel:Sure...but how do you play?
Prospero:Never mind it, I'll just ask you to call it alcohol and cigarettes and wine and... that's more appropriate
Ariel okay
Ariel call out the alcohol,cigarettes and wine
Prospero:Wow!!Do you want a drink, guys?
Ariel:Hmm... How is it after drinking it?
Prospero:Okay, I'll drink it for you to see,Ariel
Prospero drink alcohol
1 minute passed....
Ariel:Hey!! How are you okay?
Proepero:Yes I okay(drunk)
Ariel:But you seem to be acting strangely and speaking strangely
Prospero:What!! I don't see anything strange about this(drunk)
Ariel:Are you sure guys?
Prospero:yes yes yes(drunk)
Ariel:I think it's strange that alcohol has this effect
Prospero:ye ye ye yes.....(drunk)
Prospero fell on the floor after drinking alcohol
Ariel:Oh, why are you drinking?
And 2 months passed Prospero and Ariel he traveled back to find Alonso and his daughter Miranda
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