After the meeting the Muho Kaji Family held in the “base”ment, they had gone to the Kaminokaze Family Estate in the middle of the City, hoping they could speak to the Family Head in person. As they approached the entrance to the estate, Enjo spoke up,
“Remember, we aren’t here to fight anybody.” He said clearly. “We’re just here to see if we can talk.”
“Right.” Fumetsu replied, before asking, “But…did we have to bring Her along?”
He pointed his thumb behind him at Gomu, who was walking surrounded by the other members for protection. She looked pretty nervous.
“If we left her at the ‘base’ment, we’d risk those Thugs coming back and finding her.” Enjo answered.
As they approached the front gate, five of the Estate Guards stood in front, at the ready. They were dressed in sharp looking suits, too.
“Damn, what kinda budget they got?” Juryoku questioned, admiring the suits. “We don’t have clothes as nice as that…”
They stopped in front of the gate, as Enjo stepped forwards to speak to them.
“Name?” One of the Guards asked.
“Enjo.” He replied. “We’re the Muho Kaji Family.”
“Why’re you here?” Another Guard questioned.
“We wanted to see if we could talk with the Family Head in person.” Enjo replied, trying to be polite. “If not, we can come back some other time.”
The middle Guard nodded and took out a radio, turning away to speak with someone. After a minute, he nodded and turned to the other Guards.
“Code Eigengrau.” He told them.
Chinmoku, who had used his powers to overhear the conversation, jumped into action. He leapt in front of Enjo and struck the ground with his rhythm stick, manipulating the soundwaves to create a barrier, protecting Enjo as the Guards all fired at them with Tommy Guns. The bullets bounced off the barrier harmlessly as if it were made of steel.
“So much for not fighting.” Chinmoku quipped.
With that, Fumetsu took out a tommy gun of his own and shot, hitting two of the guards as the other three moved out of the way. However, they soon fell over, paralyzed from being stung by some bugs that Konchu had sent after them. Chinmoku lowered the barrier, and went back to holding his rhythm stick normally.
“I could’ve dodged the bullets y’know.” Enjo told Chinmoku lightheartedly.
“It’s more so about the principle of protecting my boss.” Chinmoku replied.
As they spoke, tens of Guards rushed out from the estate, armed with all kinds of weapons. Guns, Swords, Ballistic Shields, a couple even had rocket launchers. Fumetsu looked at the weapons and smirked a little. He seemed excited.
“I’ve always wanted a Rocket Launcher…” Fumetsu said, as he readied his tommy gun.
“Something’s not right. The Kaminokaze Family isn’t this drastic, especially to people who aren’t enemies!” Enjo said. “We need to get in and find out what’s going on!”
They got over the Estate Walls and Gate, scaling it pretty easily using their abilities, except Gomu who hitched a piggyback ride with Enjo. Once they got over the wall, they all jumped into action, rapidly taking down the Estate Guards. Fumetsu shot down one of them that had a rocket launcher, and picked it up. He grinned after looking it over, and fired it right into a crowd of Guards!
“BOOM!” He exclaimed joyfully. “I LOVE heavy weapons!!”
“Try not to go overboard.” Konchu told him, flying nearby. “We don’t want them to think we’re TOO crazy.”
Juryoku used his Ability to stop the Bullets fired by some of the guards. He then turned them around and resumed their motion, sending them flying back and hitting the Guards! Julia shrank herself down and snuck up behind one of the Guards, before growing back to normal and hitting their nape to knock them out! Taberu picked up one of the guns with his teeth, and chowed down on it, practically eating it whole! He then grew what looked like Gun Barrels from his shoulders. He then swallowed some bullets, and fired them back from his shoulder-guns. Kireina leapt a great distance, and landed between two Guards, grabbing one and swinging them into a wall. She then dodged a shotgun blast from the other guard and grabbed the barrel of their gun. Seeing the Guard’s finger start to tighten on the trigger again, Kireina grinned and pointed the barrel at her chest. The Guard fired the shotgun, but it caused her no harm, leaving nothing but smoke on her coat! She then snatched the gun from his hand and broke it in half with her bare hands, before punching the Guard and sending them flying.
After the fighting had gone on for a little while, they suddenly saw a bright flash of Light in the middle of the battlefield. After a second, the light faded, showing several strong-looking people standing before them.
“The Executives…” Chinmoku remarked.
“Didn’t think they’d be desperate enough to bring them out.” Fumetsu added, reloading his new Rocket Launcher.
“Be on guard!” Enjo ordered. “The Executives are Aura-Users. They won’t be like the rest. And remember, don’t kill.”
Right as Enjo said this, the Executives and the Muho Kaji Family started to vanish in flashes of light one-by-one! Gomu looked around, panicked seeing them all leave! She was then approached by a group of slightly injured Guards, who aimed weapons at her.
“You’re coming with us, ma’am.” One of the Guards proclaimed.
“Someone wants to speak with you.” Another added.
Gomu held her hands up and followed them. She had the feeling whatever’s going on is beyond her capabilities anyway…
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