Omegaverse: an alternative universe that is inspired by wolf hierarchy terms: alpha, beta, and omega (see alpha, beta, and omega). These are considered secondary genders. Their secondary gender is determined at birth by their pheromones, if any (see pheromones).
Alpha: a gender that makes up fifteen percent of the population. Their build is generally bigger, taller, and has a strong presence. When angered, their aura may give off ‘intimidation,’ which is a method to demand submission. They experience a rut cycle once every three months (see rut). The average age to experience their first rut is between fifteen and sixteen years old.
Of the fifteen percent, ten percent are male and five percent are female.
Beta: average people that make up eighty percent of the population. They do not have a scent gland, produce pheromones, or experience rut or heat cycles. Betas cannot sense or smell pheromones.
Omega: the most rare gender that makes up only five percent of the population. Their build is like a beta, but it’s common to have a smaller bodily structure. They experience estrus, or heat cycle, every six months (see heat). The average age to experience their first heat is between sixteen and seventeen years old.
Of the five percent, four percent are female and 1 percent are male.
Like female omegas, male omegas also have a uterus and the ability to get pregnant. Though, they need consistent check-ups to ensure the fetus’s safety, since the uterus is smaller than a female’s.
Scent gland: a bean-shaped gland the size of a kiwi. It produces an alpha or omega’s pheromone scent and regulates reproductive hormones responsible for heat and rut cycles. It is located in the crook of the neck (right side). Alphas and omegas may use pheromones to attract a mate. There are instances of a scent gland malfunctioning. This can cause irregular heats and ruts. Treatment may be required to fix this.
Pheromones: a scent emitted by the scent gland. Each alpha or omega has a unique scent. Betas do not have pheromones, since they do not have a scent gland. The scent can be released at will, though it takes practice. Near or during a heat or rut cycle, controlling pheromones may become unstable and affect others.
In addition to the neck, wrists can hold scents such as cologne and perfume longer than other areas of the body.
Rut: a week-long period of an alpha instinctually needing to mate and reproduce children with an omega, though many alphas have a beta partner (due to omegas being rare). Rationality isn’t all there, and alphas may experience amnesia during the rut peak. It occurs every three months unless they are taking suppressants to skip that cycle (see suppressants). If an alpha is close to (within five days of) their predicted rut cycle, the scent of an omega in heat may trigger the rut early (see knotting).
Heat: a week-long estrus period of an omega instinctually needing to mate and produce children with an alpha, though some omegas choose to have a beta partner (the chances of a beta impregnating an omega are extremely low). As in rut, they may experience amnesia and a lack of rationality. It occurs every six months. Because there are only two heat cycles a year, it is not recommended for omegas to take suppressants to avoid hormonal complications, but it is still possible after talking through safety risks with a doctor. If an omega is close to (within five days of) their predicted heat cycle, the scent of an alpha in rut may trigger their estrus early (see slick).
Suppressants: a small pill that postpones a heat or rut cycle if it begins early. This is to avoid causing inconveniences to the public with their unstable pheromones—the scent of an omega or alpha in their breeding cycle may sometimes cause others to enter theirs, too. Thus, these two genders carry a pack with them at all times, just in case.
Suppressants may also be used to help ‘skip’ a cycle if the dose is strong enough, though this is dangerous and not recommended. Alpha suppressants do not work on omegas, and vice versa. This medication is easily obtainable and can be purchased over the counter or prescribed at a higher dose. Some individuals build a tolerance.
Slick: a lubricant that male omegas secrete during sexual arousal.
Knotting: when an alpha’s genitals double in size during penetration. It ‘attaches’ inside of an omega during their cycles. This locks in semen for a long period of time to ensure insemination. The likelihood of becoming pregnant if knotting occurs is ninety percent. The couple cannot separate until the size decreases. This may take anywhere from ten minutes to a few hours. Knotting is not a common occurrence—the alpha needs to be highly stimulated.
Nesting: an omega instinct. They may miss their mates and experience separation anxiety. A sign of a nesting omega is collecting random items around the house that smell of their alpha, such as clothes, blankets, and pillows. They will use these items to build a nest on the bed, in the closet, or in the corner of a room.
Nesting can also occur when an omega is close to giving birth. They may build a nesting area to relax with comfortable things. Like beta women, they will have a strong urge to clean and organize their living space.
There have been reports of alphas experiencing nesting instincts. There are not enough studies to know why, though it is speculated that an omega releasing intense pheromones during nesting may affect their mate.
Mate: a lifelong bond between an alpha and an omega. It is formed when an alpha bites an omega over their scent gland to form a mark/marking (see marking). An omega cannot have more than one alpha mate in their entire life, but an alpha can have more than one. If a mate is deceased, consistent therapy is usually needed to cope with separation anxiety.
Mark/marking: the act of an alpha biting over an omega’s scent gland to create a permanent scar (ring of teeth marks). It bonds them together as a pair for life.
An omega may bite an alpha, too, but this is for intimacy purposes. A scar is not left behind, but some alphas like to show off a ‘marking’ left by their omega to others.
Courting: an alpha will take several actions to prove themselves a worthy mate to an omega. These could be through strength, wealth, gifts, or anything to gain a potential partner’s interest.
Scentectomy: a surgical procedure to remove the entire scent gland.
Scentologist: a physician certified to diagnose and treat conditions related to the scent gland.
Orihara cell carcinoma: a very rare diagnosis that only affects an alpha or omega. It is a malignant tumor of the scent gland.
SSH: scent-stimulating hormone.
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