I was in the locker room, when an unfamiliar voice announced his arrival.
"Incredible fight. Your tenacity is admirable."
"Thanks..." I said somewhat disappointed.
"I have something for you, take a look when you can, I think you might be interested in my little 'project'."
After this strange exchange of words, the man left, leaving me somewhat curious. Unfortunately, I was too exhausted to care about the content of the card at that moment.
Upon arriving home, I had to face the disapproval of my parents.
"See what I told you? Boxing gets you nowhere." Were my father's words.
"I know it's not what you want for me but..."
"No way! You've put your health at risk for nothing," my mother interrupted angrily.
Without any real hope, I tried to defend myself. "It doesn't have to be for nothing, with the fight maybe more people will come to the gym and then I could maybe..."
"You could what?" My father said with a raised eyebrow.
"Become a world champion someday" I said with total decision, they knew that was my dream, my greatest wish.
"Boxing has no future, son. You need to study a career" My father said sighing.
As much as my parents insisted, I didn't want to listen. Boxing was my life, my passion.
The next morning, at school, I felt more alone than ever. The other students made fun of me for my bruises and reminded me of the tragic situation of my gym.
I was never one to have many friends, but it was the first time I felt that everyone around me was my enemy.
During the night, defeated and discouraged, I remembered the card that man had given me and, with a knot in my stomach, I decided to read it.
The card talked about “The Box”. The project was to create an elite training centre for young boxers, a place where they could develop their full potential.
The idea of being part of something so big excited me and made my heart burst, I was happy to have been recognised by someone, but even more excited to see so many boxers together.
The card indicated information about the meeting point and when I should be there. It was the centre of Valencia, in two days.
At the beginning of the story, the part where his parents criticized him for his decision, even though boxing was his favorite sport, was truly heartbreaking. It added an emotional depth to the story and made his journey even more compelling. Such moments really resonate and connect deeply with readers. Your storytelling captures these emotions beautifully!
"In today's era, due to corruption, boxing has been stripped of the prestige and honor it once had. As a result, 'The Box' is born. Our story follows the life of Lorenzo, a young boxer who, after not only losing a fight but also being unable to save his gym, decides to join 'The Box,' an ambitious project led by a retired boxer who, together with 350 young pugilists, will try to reinvent boxing and show the world what they are capable of".
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