All around the city of Aranae, people began to wake up, not quite sure what had just happened. Remains of Wren's shadow attack were all over the city, but withered quickly.
Some people were saying they saw the whole city get absorbed by shadow, while others were adamant they just dreamed it.
Serril brought the group to Sai and Auren, and Ash was beyond relieved to see Auren safe.
“I’m very glad everyone seems to be alright.” Esther said.
"Thank you," Auren said. "For stopping her."
"I'm not sure we really beat her," Esther said. "She hit us with an attack, we broke out of it...then she left."
"You broke out of her attack, and that stopped her," Auren said. "Sounds like you defeated her to me."
"I don't get any of that," Charmaine said.
"She even sent Raytris and those hunters away," Ash said. "What did she even want?"
"She said we were entertaining," Esther said. "And called it important research."
"We don't have to worry about it now," Auren said. "We'll tell the city leaders, and they can plan for a retreat if necessary."
After checking in with those who needed to know about the Verdant Colony invasion, the group left the city. Myles looked pensive as they headed back to check on Charmaine's castle.
"Hey," Ash said.
"Hm?" Myles said before her sister hugged her tightly.
The back of her jacket felt worn and beat up. She had been through so much, and had been brutalized by the colony. She felt like she'd changed a lot since Ash last saw her.
“I missed you,” Ash said. “So much.”
“Missed you, too.” Myles said.
“Don’t ever go again,”
“I won’t," Myles said. “I have so much to tell you."
“You do! Working with Auren Corde? Are you serious?”
“I couldn’t say that in my letters, sorry,” Myles said. “Go easy on me, I’ve been through the ringer.”
“I’ll say, look at you,” Ash said. “Did you land any hits on them?”
“A few,” Myles said.
The hopeful mood of the sisters' reunion was interrupted when they reached the Myhre castle, which had been reduced to crumbling ruins. Charmaine stared blankly at the wreckage.
"I'm sorry," Myles said. "I tried to stop them, but they had me tied up. And beat to hell."
“They take everything,” Charmaine said. “I guess I’m mostly just surprised it lasted this long.”
Serril had returned to his normal size and had been riding on Sai's shoulder, and jumped down, sensing the two needed to talk alone.
“I’m sorry,” Sai said. “And…not just for this. For everything.”
“Me too,” Charmaine said. “I hate fighting with you, so let's...I dunno, put a pin in it for a bit."
“We’ll get through this, too.” Sai said.
"Yeah," Charmaine said. "We'll rebuild all of it. Once we find Ihli."
With Auren's plane still needing repairs, it was decided they'd continue on foot to the next town. As they were traveling along a forest pathway, Esther asked Auren, "Are you going to keep your disguise?”
“I don’t know," Auren said. "I’ll have to find some way to hide myself before I’m spotted. I think I haven’t been thinking like her. It’s time I be a bit more honest with you.”
Auren took out a small disc. He asked for Ihli's sword. In a more peaceful place than the Wren controlled city, he was able to really look at the sword, smiling warmly at it like it was an old friend. He put the disc on the ground and pointed the sword at it. He instructed the others to step back. A gate made of energy spawned from the disc. Some kind of multicolored liquid looking like a waterfall formed the doorway, obscuring what was past it.
"What the hell?" Charmaine asked.
"Xionis tech and magic are quite incredible," Auren said.
“Why didn’t you tell me about this?” Esther asked.
“I didn’t think you were ready to see what’s past this gate. I think now’s a good time.” Auren said. “Just through here.”
Ash stayed close to Esther as they all stepped through together. Strangely, the liquid didn’t get them wet at all.
As soon as Ash stepped through, she saw they were surrounded by mountains in a valley filled to the brim with flowers of every color. A large metal case rested near the only tree.
Two Eteros appeared, one with red armor and one with blue armor.
"This is InAsha and InAsho," Auren said.
“Auren. You’ve returned.” InAsha said. “With guests.”
"And who are these two?" Esther asked.
“They’re the guardians of this place.” Auren said. “We’re only going to be here for a few moments. These five are all trustworthy.”
“If you say so,” InAsha said, then whispered loudly “Just say the word and I’ll murder them for you.”
“That won’t be necessary. We’re just stopping by to see her.” Auren said.
The group followed Auren past the two as they simultaneously gawked and threatened.
A glass case wasn’t far from the gates. Auren switched a few dials on a console connected to the tinted glass case. Unlike the natural environment all around, the case was pure tech, with a keypad on the side, and lights and displays on the metal parts. With a whooshing sound the glass became clear, and Ash could see someone lying inside of it.
“Is that her?” Esther said, and swallowed.
Not just any someone rested inside of it. Ash gasped loudly when I realized.
“That’s…that’s not…” Ash stammered.
“No way…” Myles said.
“It is.” Auren said. “Endora…”
Ash felt like she would faint so hard she’d wake up back in her old bed in the Colony controlled city. She stared into the case to try and get a better view, and recognized the royal crest on her clothing. Auren moved slightly, and Ash could see her face.
Endora was beautiful, unimaginably beautiful, even while sleeping. All the pictures she’d seen hadn’t prepared me for that. She radiated intelligence and wisdom, and so many of her words rang through Ash's mind seeing her.
“You did amazing. All of you. Endora will be so proud when she wakes up.” Auren said.
Ash's head was spinning. Her excitement halted when she looked over to Esther, who looked mortified.
“I’m sorry for…” Esther said.
It proved to be too overwhelming in that moment for Esther to see Endora, and tears streamed down her face immediately. Ash held Esther’s hand while the others embraced her.
“You have nothing to be sorry for," Auren said.
“That’s what you always say.” Esther said.
“I’ll say it always.” Auren said.
Ihli's sword dimly glowed almost sorrowfully, as if it knew the wounds of one of its masters. Auren placed the sword on top of the case, over her heart. It glowed a bit brighter, maybe out of comfort for being closer to her.
Myles checked out the side panel, which displayed various readings, most likely for Endora’s condition.
“The light’s fading…” Myles said.
“She has about a year or two like this. Maybe a bit more.” Auren said.
Esther whimpered, and the others held her tighter.
“What put her to sleep was worth it, Esther,” Auren said. “But we have to work together to fix it.”
Auren pressed a few more buttons, and the screen grew hazy again. Esther remained tense, but not having Endora directly visible in front of her seemed to help.
“I needed you all to see what we’re fighting for.” Auren said.
Seeing Endora made Ash wonder. “Do you know…where they went?”
“I don’t,” Auren said, knowing what she meant. “Verdant Sun is still covered in mystery even for me. But I have hope that with your help, we can find Ihli, and Endora can finally awaken. And we can make the world right again. And we can all be together again.”
The last few words slipped out, almost like Auren realized he reopened an old wound. Seeing Auren go through the same pain Ash had, missing those he cared so much about, made her feel weak. Part of her wanted to scream it to them. Tell them how much she missed my parents. How much she hated not knowing whether I’d ever see them again.
“I think you need a moment alone with Endora.” Auren said. “I’ll wait at the entrance.”
“Thank you, Auren.” Esther said. “We won’t let you down.”
“I must thank you all once more for your restorative kindness and bravery.” Auren said.
Auren left, nodding at each member of the group as he passed by, staring for one more longing moment at the glass case.
“I think it might be good if you two have a talk," Charmaine said, patting Esther and Ash on their shoulders. "I don't really know the significance of this, so..."
"I'll go with Charmaine, too," Sai said. Serril nodded, climbing up on their shoulder.
Myles winked at Ash before leaving.
Ash and Esther stood over Endora. Ash realized she still held Esther’s hand, not wanting to let go of her. Even though they couldn’t directly see Endora, they could still feel her presence.
“I still can’t believe it’s her.” Ash said. “What do you think she’d say to us now?”
The sword continued to glow. Esther plucked a gray flower and set it delicately on Endora’s case.
“Endora would tell us that there’s a great darkness in this world," Esther said. "But that doesn’t mean it’s over. We’re still fighting."
"And then she’d say something like…" Ash said. "In these times, we must hold onto our hopes. No despair facing us can truly win if we have hope,” Ash said. “She would say that the fight won’t end. But we can find ways through it. Even when I’m afraid.”
“And she’d tell us how proud she is for making it this far," Esther said. "For how brave we are for fighting against the Colony, and people like Wren. She’d ask that we support each other always when one is weak.”
Esther wiped her tears with her hands.
“And that’s what Endora would say. Something like that.” Ash said.
“I might have given up if I didn’t meet you. But I did.” Esther said.
“We’ll be strong when the other’s weak, right?” Ash said.
Their journey to find Ihli had only just begun. Surely they'd face new trials as they tried to find the truth about the Xionis, and Verdant Sun, and find the lost hero.
“I’m sure of it,” Esther said. “Thank you, Ash. For everything.”
They hugged, and for a while just stayed in the embrace, until they were done crying. Esther took Ihli’s sword, and brought it back as they returned to the others.
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