The smell of sweat permeated the air. My chest heaved with every breath as I clutched my daggers tightly in my hands. My muscles screamed at me to stop and take a rest. But I didn't listen. I wiped the sweat dripping down my face with the back of my forearm. Stolas gazed at me, his mouth twisted in a smirk. He kept smoothly twirling his staff in his hand. I stepped forward.
I lunged forward. Stolas swung his staff up high. I duck my head down low, lunging forward. I used my left dagger to stab his side. He flapped his wings, his body moving backwards to avoid the strike. Damn those wings. Stolas took the moment of my surprise to start rapidly swinging towards me. Top, middle, bottom, top, bottom, middle, middle, and top again.
My moves went from slightly confident to panicked. I wasn't used to moving this fast. I tried to block as many of the hits as I could, but it was nearly impossible. I could feel an overwhelming feeling start to build within me. It was always like this. I would be fighting well against Stolas and then it would get harder and harder until I lost control.
The wooden dagger whiffed the fabric of his top. If he hadn't moved backwards just a little, I would have struck him. He swung downwards. I dropped one of my daggers and used the other one to block the strike with both of my hands holding the dagger. I struggled slightly to push him back. I leaned down and picked up the other dagger once again. I could feel my muscles struggling to work.
"Tighten your core and focus on my movements." He said, continuing to strike.
I grunted as the staff whacked my arm. "Easy for you to say!"
I let out a frustrated growl. I wouldn't let this affect me. I was stronger than this! At least, that's what I told myself. But I couldn't think with Stolas constantly attacking me like this. I could feel my heart buzz and spread down to my fingers as frustration overtook me. I swung and stabbed wildly. A string of curses left my lips as I tried to deflect the onslaught. Stolas's eyes widened as a chill descended in the air and my skin glowed an almost indistinct dark purple. I didn't notice. I was too busy trying to stab him with my wooden daggers.
"Let me stab you!" I growled.
"Damn it, Cahira! Calm down!"
Stolas flew up in the air to dodge my slightly hysterical attacks. He dove towards me and shoved me to the ground. The staff pressed against my shoulders to keep me on the ground. My head hit the ground and a pained grunt left my lips. I was stunned for a moment as I tried to get my bearings. As soon as I realized Stolas was pinning me to the ground, I struggled against him.
"You asshole! You said you wouldn't use your wings like that!"
He huffed and pressed the staff harder against my shoulders. "You were losing your cool."
"What did you expect me to do?!"
"Cahira…" He got off me and twirled his weapon and it disappeared in that poof of glitter. "You were using your magic."
I blinked and sat up. "Again?"
This has been a trend. Ever since I started training my magic with Alder, it had started showing in my combat training as well. Being more in tune with my emotions meant that I was more susceptible to losing control of them. When I got too frustrated or angry when training with Stolas, my magic would start to seep through and affect training. It was hard to find a balance. Especially when Stolas wouldn't let up.
"Sorry." I mumbled, standing up. I sheathed both of my daggers. "I'll try and get better at it."
"Have you been meditating every day like Alder asked?"
I frowned and nodded. "I have. But there's just… I don't know. It's like a mental block."
Stolas sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose. I knew it was frustrating teaching me when I was improving, but couldn't pass a certain point. And I sure as hell knew Stolas didn't want to deal with whatever the block was. He was just here to make sure I wouldn't get killed. If the inhabitants of the forest were as strong as him, I still didn't stand a chance.
"Ask Alder for help in your next lesson. For now, I want you to rest for the remaining part of the day."
"Yes, Stolas."
"Next lesson, we'll try a different weapon." His voice was softer. "Just to refresh your mind."
It didn't seem like it would help. But I nodded anyway. Stolas gave my back a pat and walked away. I needed a shower and a lot of food. I went into the tree and down to my room. I took off my holster belt and threw it onto the floor before collapsing onto my bed. I was exhausted. At least Stolas was kind enough to give me a break and teach me another weapon. Hopefully it won't be as difficult as before.
After taking a shower, I went to the kitchen to find some food. Alder was busy today and didn't prepare anything beforehand. I didn't find him in the kitchen, making food like I suspected. There was only one place I could think he would be. I descended the stairs and went to the conservatory. There he was, bent over one of the tables. I walked over and peeked at what he was doing. There was a mushroom pygmy on the table. It was about the size of my palm. Its body trembled as Alder tended to it.
"It's so cute."
Alder turned his head and gave me a smile. "Cahira, what a pleasure. Are you finished with training for the day?"
"All done. I…" My nose scrunched and I looked away. "I accidentally used magic again."
"I see." The mushroom pygmy held onto Alder's finger, tugging it back towards the small creature. "Do not fret over it now. We will discuss it during our next magic lesson."
I nodded and watched with soft eyes as his attention went back to the mushroom pygmy. I always loved to watch him work. He was so gentle with every creature, treating them with care and kindness. The mushroom pygmy had a gash in its cap. The poor thing teared up as Alder put a salve on the gash. I cooed softly, coming up behind him and watching closely as he finished patching it up.
"There you are, tiny spore. All better?" Alder asked the mushroom pygmy.
The small creature let out a squeak and climbed into Alder's hand. I sighed. "These things are seriously so cute. How did someone even find out they're edible? That's just cruel!"
"Well… it is just how things are. It is not quite my taste, though." Alder shot me a smirk.
I laughed and shook my head. "To each their own, right?"
At the mention of food, I could feel my stomach grumble. Ah, that's right. I didn't have a chance to eat. Alder seemed to notice and set the mushroom pygmy on his shoulder. He grabbed a blanket from a basket beneath the table. After walking to an empty spot, he laid the blanket out. With a flick of his hands, a picnic basket, two sets of glasses, silverware, and plates appeared. I didn't know he could do that either.
Alder sat on the blanket and patted the spot next to him. "Care for a picnic?"
My face flushed and I placed my hand on my stomach. "A simple sandwich would have been fine."
"A picnic always calms the soul. Now, come. Sit."
"You are too kind to me."
"You deserve kindness, little blossom."
I could feel the heat of embarrassment spread through me. I quickly sat next to him. I focused on his hands. They were weathered and calloused skin, with little small scars. His tattoo peeked out from beneath his sleeves. Those hands always handled everything with care. No matter what it was. I watched as he took everything out from the rather large picnic basket. A bottle filled with a dark red liquid, several containers filled with various foods, and a plate with delicious looking sweet buns.
"I think you should quit being the Fairy King." I said, reaching for one of the sweet buns.
Alder grabbed my hand and guided it to my lap instead. "And why is that?"
"Because you have an insurmountable talent in cooking. Become a chef instead."
"Your personal chef?"
"That would be adequate, yes."
Alder let out a hearty laugh, one that came from his belly. I smiled brightly. It was always an honor to make him laugh. I could feel the weight of my earlier combat lesson slowly start to ease as Alder filled my plate. Auroch stew, a helping of vegetables, and bread rolls were on the menu for today. The liquid was almost a dark purplish color as he poured some into my glass. After he was done, I took a sip. My face scrunched.
"Oh, this is tart! What is this?"
"Vitis juice." Alder chuckled and took a sip of the drink himself. "Do you like it?"
I tilted my head and tried it again. "It's not bad. It just surprised me. We usually eat vitis, not make it into a drink."
"Then, you have tried something new. Now eat. You need to replenish your energy."
He didn't need to tell me twice. I dug right in. The chunks of meat from the auroch stew practically melted in my mouth. It was rich, the flavor deep and savory. I took a bite of the roll next. Bouncy, slightly sweet, and a perfect combination with the stew. Alder was truly a divine creature to make food this delectable. The Empyrians themselves should be fighting over who gets a taste of his cooking first. Unfortunately for them, it goes to me.
"So… Stolas told me more about the trouble you had today." Alder took a piece of his roll and fed it to the mushroom pygmy.
I looked up from my food. "Did he? I didn't see him come in."
"We have other ways of communicating."
"Oh." I took another bite before speaking. "I feel like I'm having a mental block. Like… there's just something that's keeping me from progressing."
"And you have been doing your daily meditations? Feeling the magic flow through you-"
"Calming myself down. Yes, yes. I've been doing it all." I set down my fork in frustration.
Alder set down his plate and the mushroom pygmy. It continued to munch on the roll. "It's alright. These things happen."
"But it shouldn't. I'm a war elf! I was hoping to unlock like… my ancient genes or something."
"You are training hard. We will go into getting past that block eventually in our lessons. But for now, I want you to focus on other things. Give your mind a break."
Alder hushed me by grabbing a sweet bun and shoving it in my mouth. "A break, little blossom."
I grumbled and nibbled at the sweet bun. Alder's voice was stern and left no room for argument. He was right, of course. Nothing would get better if I just continued to frustrate myself like this. I needed to listen to both him and Stolas. They were experts, after all. I was just a little sprout. I needed to have hope that my skills would blossom. One day.
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