Chapter 3.
A strange feeling.
Since that meeting I had not seen Cora again and I don't know why I couldn't see how perfect she was; or it was that trench coat she was wearing that made her look imposing; or it was the scar under her eye that gave her that mysterious touch.
I had tried to contact some organ trafficker on my own, unfortunately they all said the same thing: we don't mess with the Park's toys. ¿What did they mean by that phrase? ¿Was I considered a toy?, But a toy of what, ¿a puppet in their hand? The thing is that it didn't let me sleep and I just saw the hours go by.
Being a victim of insomnia myself, I left about 20 messages and calls on my parents' phone, but always got the same response: the number you called is not assigned to any subscriber... ¿How is it possible that there is someone so filthy in this life as to cause such tremendous damage to your own blood?... My mother definitely qualified for it…
However, looking at the cheapest flights available, thinking of venturing out like them to disappear, I received a notification from the airline I was consulting, which said that the Park toys could not fly with them, unless a special permit was obtained, or the person traveled directly with their owner.
¿What kind of madness was that? It was as if everything was mixed together, as if good and bad were the same thing… no matter how hard I tried to see some hope in the darkness, everything was black around me and the air was thick…
From one day to the next I had lost all freedom, I could go to school, but there were always eyes watching me from a distance waiting for the slightest opportunity to let me know that I was there, that I was bigger than me and by right I could do and move everything in my favor.
There is nothing more dangerous than someone who has access to power, he is practically everything that is right and everything that is wrong at the same time, he has no defined line: only the middle and there he stays…
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